Hoodie x fem teen reader

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(Your 14 years old)

Your: POV

"Y/n have you packed everything you need for tomorrow?!" My Mom yelled from down stairs. "Uh I think so!.." I yelled back as I pushed a few more things in a duffle bag. Sighing I look down at my now messy floor 'better get this cleaned up..' cleaning my room up I sit down on my near by bed. Right now I'm getting ready for a camping trip my family is going on tomorrow. I think it will be fun? I don't know my Mom's really paranoid about the forest for some reason.

The last time I was in the forest I was like.. 6 and my only memory about the forest is my Mom yelling in my face about how I should stay away. I have no idea what happened to cause my Mom to act like that..but ever since then we moved away from the forest and into a small city. 'I should pack somethings to do if I get bored.'  I think while standing up and walking over to my closet. Grabbing a bit of my art supplies and earphones from my counter top. I stuff the items in one of the smaller bag near my bed.

"Dinners ready!" My Mom yelled I slowly look around my room all of the sudden getting hit with uneasiness. "Uh ok!" I yelled back as I quickly made my way downstairs. Sitting down at the dining table silence filled the air as we filled our plates with food. My Dad looks up at me for a few moments "Y/n I want to make a few rules for the camping trip..the first thing is no wondering around without telling us and to not be alone at all costs." My Dad states worried I slowly nod I open my mouth to speak but get cut off before I could do so.

"Y/n just deal with the rules..no questions please." My Mom says cutting into the conversation slightly glareing at me. I lightly shrug and nod. I stand up ready to get out of this awkward air I say good night and rush into my room. 'Why are we even going if I'm getting so pressed with rules..it's no fun. And why are they so uneasy?' Looking at my window I can see the neighbors lights slightly twinkle in the distances.

'I should go to sleep.'

~Time Skip Tomorrow Morning~

I throw my bag into the trunk and slam it shut sighing I jump into the car and wait for my parents to come out. 'This is going to be one long car trip.' Looking out the car window I start humming to the music that's playing from my ear buds. When my parents enter the car they don't say a word to me and my Dad quickly starts vehicle.

A few hours past in this silence before I look out the small window and see a large cluster of trees. I glance at my Mom who's in the seat infront of me. "So..is this the same forest we lived near 8 years ago?" I ask leaning forwards slightly. "Mhm..this is the same one" my Mom answers as she continues reading the..Bible? Why?

Anyway I nod and look down at my feet. My Dad parks the car and gets out then whistles as he looks around. "Where here~ Finally.." my Dad says as I look up at him though the car window. Sighing I get out of the car 'wow its actually pretty calming..' grabbing the bags and camp gear me and my parents Start walking into on a trail that leads to the camp site.

Getting their and my tents set up my Dad starts a fire and sets out food. "Alright hot dogs or sandwiches?" My dad asks as he sets down the food on a near by cooler. I quickly respond "Hot dogs definitely." I answer as I pull out a note book. Looking up at the trees surrounding me and my parents I swear I spot a small flash of red. "Did you see that Mom?" I ask looking back at her.

"See what? Your probably just paranoid Y/n after all it's been a long day.." my Mom answers as she looks around. I nod "Yeah I guess." I say quietly finishing up my food I quickly crawl into my tent. 'Mom and Dad didn't want me sleeping with them which I'm fine with I like my personal space anyways.' Shutting the tents opening I Sluggishly climb into my sleeping bag and slowly doze off.

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