Proxies x troublemaker teen fem reader

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(Your 14 TW: underage smoking)

Your: POV

Sighing I bury my face Into my my knees. 'It's cold..' Looking up I can feel the moist air touch my face glancing over at the forest I can barely see anything, the entirety is blanketed in thick mist. Reaching into my pocket I pull out a cigarette and a lighter 'I wonder what my mother will think..' I think whilst lighting the lighter. Putting the cigarette in my mouth I light it breathing in the smoke. I shortly take the cigarette out of my mouth and begin harshly coughing.

"Ew! Cough t-thats fucking disgusting!" I yell out while hacking my lungs up. After a minute of coughing my eyes are watery and my throat hurts. "I'm by no means doing that again..that fucking sucked..and tasted weird." I mutter to myself sighing I stand up and dust myself off. 'I should go home..I understand my mom is still at work but..I truely have nothing else to do.' Starting to walk home I assume about my situation.

'My mother has this hassle with guys where as soon as she gets the attention she'll throw herself at them..And she continuously has new gets really, really disturbing we do not have the best her opinion she'd say it is due to the fact I never listen to her or we would have a better relationship if I tried to restore it. But in truth..she ignores me each and every time I'm having a trouble and any time she's without a doubt speaking to me she's yelling at me about something I did..So now I've been doing anything to seize her interest to begin fights to smoking..but nothing seems to work!'

Groaning in irritation I kick a small rock in front of me. Walking up the trashed porch I open the door and walk in. "I'm home!...I say to no one.." I snort while strolling into my room searching around the room I frown. 'It's so boring..and plain however I do not have something to style it.' Sitting down on my bed I pull out my cellphone and go on YouTube. Looking up at the time I groan 'my mom gets home around 5 more hours yayy'

~Time Skip~

Leaning my back on the cold wall I softly hum the music that blaring in my ears. But unfortunately my humming was once cut short by my mother calling me. "Y/n! Come here have some people that want to meet you!" My mother yells in the living room. Groaning, I stand up and sluggishly stroll into the living room. Turning in the direction of my mother I see three different men stand besides her. One of them wears orange goggles and..a smiling mask. Looking over at the other two men, one of them is wearing an upside down smiley face mask and a yellow hoodie? Then the other one wears a mustard yellow jacket and a feminine black and white mask.

Raising my eyebrows in confusion, I study the three of them. 'These..are some bizarre men..why are they wearing masks? God mom..who did you exactly bring home now!?' Awkwardly waving my hand at them "um hello?" I stated whilst stuffing my hands in my pockets. The man with the orange goggles stares at me intently. My mother nods the motions towards her room. She begins walking away however the three men continue to intently stare at me.

Awkwardly smiling at them I walk away from them and returned into my room. 'That..was fucking weird.'

~5 Months Later~

Over these 5 months I've grown very close with those three bizarre men..I can even say I have a better relationship with them than my own mom! But whatever..

Feeling dread sink into my stomach after being pulled away from the girl's body. I look down at her face to see it absolutely bloody. 'Holy shit..d-did I really do that?' Looking down at my hands I see they are thoroughly covered in a dark crimson. 'I..she deserved it..she was the one threatening me. I simply was the one that took action..' Looking closer at the girl I can see she's nearly out "y-you bitch.." Feeling rage consume me. I step toward her "bold of you to insult ought to look at your face right now.." I say whilst darkly chuckling.

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