Chapter Six, Teenagers

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So if I decided while playing a game called Town of Salem, I decided to update Sadly I died early on in the game so I'm going to write this and see if my team wins (if any of you play Town of Salem, you know what it's like.) This was hard to pick a song for, but oh my gosh I love this song xD. Still open for song request, please let me know if you have any! Also, let me know if anything in my writing needs improvement (: Enjoy! (: I don't own anything.

~They're gonna clean up your looks with all the lies in books to make a citizen out of you, cause they sleep with a gun and keep an eye on you son so they can watch all the things you do~

What. The. Hell. Is. Happening. Why isn't he moving?! Why am I not moving?! Why are Author and Gilbert just standing there?! Is... Is he leaning into me? Oh god, he is! His eyes are closed?! What the fucking hell is going on?! No! I can't just... Ugh! I ducked down, causing Francis to smash his face into the wall behind me. I quickly scrambled to my feet and ran to Author's side, still shell shocked by what just happened. After a few moments, Francis was holding his now bloody nose and looking at me with so much confusion you would have thought I was growing a second head. It appeared he was just as shocked as I was.

"What the hell is going on here?" A blond girl from my first hour class appeared. Wait. This is the girl Francis has been flirting with. "Did I just see you kiss him?!" Shit shit shit!

"Oh don't get your knickers in a wad, it was a bloody accident!" Author said angrily. I think he's just as shocked as the rest of us.

"That wasn't what it looked like to me! You were making out with him on the wall, you fucking whore! Quit acting all innocent and shit, sitting in the back of the class, being a goody-goody getting good grades and what not. I know how you are now, you better not come on to him again got it?" She ranted as her face grew redder and redder by the second. I tried to back away but she just got closer. "Ugh, let's get out of here babe!" She grabbed Francis, who still seemed dazed, by the arm and pulled him out to who knows where.

After Francis and the girl left, Gilbert tried to sneak away but Author grabbed his arm. "Oh hell no, I'm going to have a word with you. I'm sorry love, will you be alright?" He asked with concern.

I slowly nodded. "I'm just... Going to go to class... Or home... I'll decide in a bit... See you later..." I told him as I slowly wondered off to my already crazy day.

~The boys and girls in the clique, the awful names ever stick, you're never gonna fit in much kid. But if you're troubled and hurt what you got under your shirt will make them pay for the things that they did~

I learned my decision to stay in school was a horrible one when I learned that word somehow managed to get out about the incident this morning. Seriously wondering how rumors can spread so quickly DURING a class period. Francis and that girl decided to skip the class, which I am grateful for, but that may have helped spread the rumors more.

"Can you believe a nobody like her kissed Francis? Her! Who is she even?!"

"What a slut, she just wants attention!"

"That girl has guts. Kissing someone with so many fangirls in this school."

"I bet she's also after Gilbert and Antonio! That whore!"

"Doesn't she hang around Author a lot? Is she trying to be popular or something?"

Shut up, shut up, shut up, SHUT UP. FUCKING ALL OF YOU. I can't stand this! They have no idea what even happened! I slowly started to feel tears on the rim of my eyes.

"(F/N?)" I hear Author call to me. "Are you alright love?"

"See! Look at her! That whore, she's still after Author too!"

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