Chapter Sixteen, Once Upon a Dream

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To all of my readers, I am so sorry for the delay. 

February, in short, was a horrible month for me. Between multiple deaths in the family and the stress of falling behind in school, it's amazing I can still somewhat function like a normal human being. So, I want to thank you all. I want to thank those of you who understood my situation, those who have supported me, and those who have stayed with me up until now. Thank you for everything. People like you are the reason I know I'm not alone in this world. I love you all, I really do. 

In the middle of my sadness last month, I did write a one-shot I encourage you to check it out. My last chapter, I didn't realize I made an Undertale reference, so now that I am Undertrash I had to write a fanfiction. It's based in the AU Flowerfell, so please check it out. 

So. Here it is after so long. Chapter Sixteen, please enjoy! 

~I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream. I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam~

The gold and white ball room gave the room a warm atmosphere. Crystal chandeliers hung over the crowd, making the room more elegant. Men in various tuxes and women in beautiful ball gowns surrounded me, slowly dancing to a waltz. 

Among them, I stood alone. My legs refused to dance along with them. 

No matter how much I looked at everyone, even the orchestra, I could not make out a single face. It was if they didn't really exists. People were just mindlessly dancing, as if they had nothing better to do, as if they were better than everyone else. I looked down at myself to see the white tux on me. When did I put this on? When did I even buy this? I sighed as I tried to make my way out of the crowd. I pushed my way through, trying to escape but it seem the crowd would never end and the glass doors just got farther and farther away from me. 

Suddenly, there she was. Right before me. 

A (f/c) ball down, holding her perfectly, flowing down to the floor. It wasn't flashy or supper simple. It was purely elegant. Her jewelry and hair made her stand out even more. Her makeup wasn't over done, but just right. How is it I never noticed these things on women before until now? She stood there, hands crossed one over the other, head held high and her (e/c) looking right at... me? For once, they aren't filled with fear, hatred, shock, or suspicion. For once they look... happy. Almost loving even. Until now, I didn't know her eyes were capable of that. As she began to approach me, everything went silent. 

Except for the clicking of her heels. 

The closer she got, the more my heart speed up. It felt like it was going to jump out of my throat and run away. I could feel my hands twitching. How could she approach me so calmly? 

"Francis," she spoke softly. I froze. She's never called me by my name before. Not once in my life. When she extended her hand out, I almost wanted to run away but my legs wouldn't let me. I could smell her light perfume from here, and it was oh so sweet. "Dance with me, Francis." For a moment I was too shocked to respond. After all of these years. After all of these horrible things I have done to her in my life. Here she stood in front of me, looking... stunning. Happy in my presents. And she actually wanted me to dance with her. I didn't realize it at first, but I could feel myself smiling. After everything she went through, she still wanted to dance with me. Well...

Who was I to say no? 

I held her hand tightly in mind and placed a hand on her waist. Finally, my legs let me dance. So we dance.... and dance.... and dance the night away. As if everything that has happened the last few years didn't exist. As if this was always meant to be. As if.... as if we we're lovers. That couldn't really happen though... could it? I closely at her face. She smiling so brightly, so lovingly, as if... She loved me. No. No this isn't right. She can't love me. I've hurt her too much. How can you love someone after that? No matter how much I beg for forgiveness.

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