Chapter Three- Save Me

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Oh my goodness, do you know how hard it is to pick from lyrics with a ten minute song and a shorter chapter? I really didn't want to find another song though, this one fit so well... Oh well, let's get this show on the road! I don't own, Hetalia, this song, or you. Please enjoy!

~Sorry did I wake your dreams? Some questions run to deep, we only only wake up when we sleep~

"Oi! You bloody frogs! What the hell are you doing to her?!"

Francis's fingers froze over my face as he looked over his shoulder. There stood a boy with a medium build, just slightly shorter than Francis. He had blond hair that went past his ears and enough eyebrow hair to hide a caterpillar. He wore a black leather jacket and pants, black combat boots, and a Union Jack t-shirt and bandanna around his neck. What stood out the most was his stunning emerald eyes, and those eyes were burning a hole right through Francis's face.

"Oh? We were just having a little fun, right (F/N)?" I couldn't speak, even if I wanted to. I was too focused on this mysterious person. I scanned him with my eyes. Why did he seem so familiar?...

A low growl came from the boy. "If your idea of fun is hurting a girl until she is bleeding and sobbing then you are one sick mother fucker." An English accent. He must be another foreigner.

Francis scowled. "Zis has nothing to do with you. Get ze 'ell out of here."

The boy scoffed. "Oh no, you made this my business," he said as he approached us closer. "Never in a million years would I stand back and watch as a woman gets treated like a piece of shit. You should be ashamed of yourself, you damn frog."

"Oh really?" Francis laughed, "and just what exactly do you plan to do about-" before any of us could blink the boy punched Francis and Gilbert in the face, stunning both of them.

He took my hand. "Run," he whispered and before I knew it, we were down the hall, around the conner, and in the nurse's office before they could catch us. Once we were in, I slid down the door in an attempt to catch my breath.

The boy kneeled down to eye level with me. "Are you okay love?" He asked. All I could do was nod my head as I attempted to slow down my breaths. Damn I'm out of shape. "What's your name?" He asked.

I shyly looked at him, deciding that, just this once, it would be okay to trust someone. "(F-F/N)(L/N)"

The boy smiles at me. "It's nice to meet you. I'm Author Krikland." That name...

"You sound familiar, have we met before?" I asked as he got the bandages and cotton from the cabinets. Where the hell is the nurse?

He lightly chuckled. "Afraid not, would you mind sitting in that chair?" I obeyed. As he wiped up the blood with a wet cotton ball he asked "have you ever heard of a band called 'The Takeover'?"

My eyes shot open. " 'The Takeover'? Almost everybody has heard of them! Wait... Oh ,y goodness, you the lead singer! That's where I recognize you from! But... Why would you come to a public school? You're bound to get nothing done with people always crowding around you."

Author sighed as he began to bandage my neck. "I know. I made a bet with my brother, a stupid one. Loser has to attend public school for a year, and well... Here I am," he explained as he nervously rubbed the back of his head.

"What was the bet?" I asked curiously.

"Um..." His face turned red. "I'd rather not say love." I didn't push, leaving it to my imagination of what the bet possibly could have been.

"Hey Author... Thank you for saving me today. Nobody has ever done that before."

A shocked look came over his face. "What do you mean nobody had helped you before? How long has that French bastard been treating you like this?"

"I-it's been a while," I admitted. "Nobody ever really pays attention to the loner, and the school discipline is basically non-existent here. Well... Mr. Williams seems pretty cool though."

Author smiled. "Indeed he does, he's my last class."

"He's my first." I told him. I decided not to tell him that Francis was in the same class.

At this point, Author finished patching me up. "There we go love, all done. Now do me a favor and go home, you've had a long enough day if you ask me."

I nodded my head and stood from the chair. "I will, and thank you again Author, I owe you one." I pushed the door open to leave.

"Wait!" He yelled


"Would you... Mind having lunch with me tomorrow?" He asked shyly. "I don't really know anybody, I try to stay hidden."

This shocked me. Out of everything that has happened the past two days, this shocked me the most.

"I'm... not sure you want to do that Author," I warned him. "Your reputation will go down if your seen with me."

He rolled his eyes. "I don't give a damn about my reputation, I just... want to get to know you better."

I could feel my face becoming burning hot. "O-okay, if that's what you want."

His face lit up. "Oh really? Marvelous! I shall see you tomorrow then yes?"

I smiled, for once in my life, a real smile and nodded my head. I waved goodbye and left, feeling better than I had in a very long time.... And still wondering why the nurse never showed up.

~Save me, I'm trapped in a vile world, where the endings are the same as every other, we're only here to die~

I crashed on my bed with a large smile on my face. Holy shit, out of everybody to notice me, it was THE Author Kirkland. I honestly haven't heard much of their music but still...

I pulled out my phone and Goggled them. Hello Wikipedia.

"The Takeover" is a trio band started by brothers Author Kirkland (Singer/bass), Alfred Jones (guitar), and Mathew Williams (drummer). Despite growing up in separate countries, the three brothers came together by their love of music in 2013 to form their alternative/rock group."

Wow. That's amazing.


What? A text? Nobody ever text me. I looked at my phone, showing I was a blocked number. Weird. Wrong number perhaps? May as well check it. I slid the screen.



... What the hell?

You seem to be having fun with your new boyfriend. How long do you actually think it's going to last? It's a dangerous world out there sweetheart, you better be careful.

~Save me, I'm losing my only dream, I can use some guiding light, some place to go, if you hear me let me know, if you hear me let me know~
Avenged Sevenfold

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