Prologe, Get Out Alive

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Hello! Before I begin I would just like to inform you of a few things:
1) Anytime song lyrics appear that will mean that there is a time skip, performance, or the indication of the ending of a story (which will be followed by the artist of the featuring song(s) )
2) I am a busy person so updates will be slow, but I will post as often an I can. (:
3) Constructive criticism is always welcome! Please help me become a better author!
4) Yes, France will be out of character some in this story.
So let's begin! Please enjoy. I don't own Hetalia, you, or any songs that are used throughout the duration of this fan fiction.

~No time for goodbye he said as he faded away, don't put your life in someone's hands their bound to steel it away~
1. Fifth grade (f/n)(l/n) was enjoying her lunch while chatting to a couple of her friends. As they spoke of their previous recess and their upcoming middle school life she spotted a beautiful boy with golden locks that reached his shoulders. She heard of him, the new student from France. Oh what his name, Frank? Fred? Mr. Fancy pants? Wait, fancy... Francis! That's it! The girl grinned as she did a little victory dance in her head. She got another good look at him and noticed he sat by himself, obviously from not having any friends yet, but hey who would blame him? He's in a brand new country, a brand new world almost! He moved to a place with a different language and culture, so who's to blame him if he's a little shy? After staring at the boy with pity, (f/n), being slightly shy herself, mustered up the courage to talk to this mysterious boy.

She excused herself from her friends with very little food left on her tray and made her way over to the table where Francis was sitting and sat on the stool across from him. "Hi!" she greeted cheerfully. The boy stared her awkwardly "You looked lonely, my I eat with you? I'm (f/n) by the way."

The boy remained quiet for a long period of time. (F/n) was starting to become convinced that the boy didn't know any English until he said, in the most beautiful French accent "... I don't want to sit with someone as ugly as you." This took the girl aback and her eyes widen in shock.

"O-okay..." The girl quietly took her tray off the table. "Sorry to bother you." She walked away from the boy with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. How can such a beautiful boy be so cruel?

~This is my last time she said as she faded away, it's hard to imagine but one day you'll end up like me~
2. When seventh grade rolled around things just became worse for (f/n). She though on that fateful day when she left Francis alone they would never speak again, but no, he saw her as a target. And he made her life hell. (Home Town) had become a popular living area for foreigners so when Francis's friends Gilbert and Antonio moved into town, things just got worse for her and they became known as the "Bad Touch Trio" for their habit of flirting with girls. 'What a stupid name' (f/n) always thought. Up to this point she never actually caught hell from Francis's friends but they always supported him (mostly Gilbert, Antonio almost looked sorry for the girl sometimes) when she became the target of Francis's harassment. So far he's never actually done anything physical, mostly name calling and rumor spreading which caused (f/n) to lose her friends.

"Hey (f/n)!" She heard someone, which turned out to be Gilbert. As she turned around she saw the albino boy rushing towards the girl and pick her up and threw her into a locker. The impact caused her to fall on her face with a loud groan of pain, followed by the laughter of her "peers." The loudest of this laughter was Gilbert's, and of course Francis's, who sent her a menacing smirk. (F/n) looked down to the ground, realizing that things would start to become physical from here on out. Who knew that the pits of hell could get deeper?

~If I stay it won't be long till I'm burning on the inside, if I go I can only hope that I'll make it to the other side~
3. And here we are today, now you know my story this far. During my sophomore year, my dad got diagnosed with a rare and lethal cancer, only living five months after the doctors found it. My mom has been in deep grief and depression ever since then, burying herself in the work of a tough business. And of course, you can already guess the role Francis has been playing in my life. Never once have I let my parents and teachers know what he's done to me. Never once have I informed anyone of my home life. What would they do? Besides, nobody listens to loner, not even the teachers with their "anti-bullying" policy. Tch. Throughout all of this mess I've managed to keep my grades up but I've fallen into depression and have become ever increasing suicidal. I'm trying to fight it, I really am. And for those of you who about to learn about this, don't pity me. I've gotten along fine... Not really. As for my personal introduction aside from my background story, my name is (f/n) (m/n) (l/n) and my goal is to get out of high school alive.
~If you want to get out alive, oh run for your life.~
-Three Days Grace

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