Chapter Seven, Comeback

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Hello hello! I have returned with another chapter! I know it's been for freaking ever but I've been busy with band camp.... My last year of it... *sob*... Anyhow, marching season starts up in tomorrow for me. For all you fellow band kids I don't need to explain anything to you but to the non band kids, marching season is a busy time for us, so there will be slower updates. Oh, another thing, I'm coming out with a new story very soon!! It won't be a long one but please check it out, I'm hoping to have the first chapter up by this week. If there are any Marvel/Avengers fans out there this song is from the sound track in the first movie. I hope you all enjoy (:
-I don't own anything.
-If you have a song idea/request let me know. I'll feature you at the end of the story!
-If there is something I can make better PLEASE let me know.
OVER 300 OF YOU GUYS?! YOU'RE ALL INSANE! And I love all of you<3

~Many times I walked the line I rolled the dice and questioned my life, many times I sacrificed and dealt with the pain. I've been down this road before where the dead ends are and it rains and it pours, I've been down below before and it's the price that I pay~

"Why are you making me do this?" I asked tiredly. "Author. We've been shopping for hours! I think I have enough stuff. Not to mention I need to pay you back for all of this." The day after the incident was thankfully a Saturday, but for the past four hours, Author took me shopping at the closest mall we could get to and we've spent the day going non stop. I've got about 7 different FULL clothing bags of stuff that he insist I get, even though I knew I would never wear it.

"No need for that love. I'm quiet financially stable," he said  politely.

"Okay... Then how am I going to explain all of this to my mom?" I questioned. "We hardly ever see each other but I'm sure she'd notice the clothing change."

"Then be honest with her!" He insisted. "I'd be glad to meet her if I have to!"

I sighed. "Oh God why?" I mumbled. "Oh yeah, another thing, what makes you think I have any musical talent? You haven't heard me sing or play anything yet."

"Oh, right, well you see..." He nervously rubbed the back of his head. "I was planning to do that after we were done here."

"And what if I suck? Then all of this would be for nothing!" I sighed again. "This whole revenge plan is stupid. It's not like Francis is going to give a damn anyway. And what would music change anyway? I don't think music is something he really into. I'm sure pretty girls are the only thing he cares about." This whole idea is pointless. I'm not sure how he even talked me into this in the first place.

"(F/N), love, do you know why he only goes after pretty girls?" I raised my eyebrow in confusion. He slowly walked up to me and placed a comforting hand over my shoulder. "It's because he's too afraid to go after a beautiful woman. Something you are that he hasn't realized yet." Did... Did he really just say that? I could feel the heat rush to my face and my eyes widen with shock. He flashed one of his gentlemen smiles at me. "Besides, this wouldn't be for nothing. I'll work out your revenge one way or another. But for now, let's see how well you can sing. There's a community talent show coming up and I'm planning on signing you up for it."

"WHAT?! Author you asshole, you can't just do that!" I yelled. How dare he! I can't get up in front of a crowd of people and he knows it! "You fucking trader! How could you do some-"

"Calm down, calm down! Just listen to me." I quiet down, but continued to glare at him. I am BEYOND pissed. "If any of this is going to work, you need to get over your fear of other people. Look, the show is in a month, first place gets $100. Please, just trust me on this." He said as reassuringly as he could.

"... I really fucking hate you right now."

"All in good time, love. All in good time. Now let's get out of here, you've got some singing to do."

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