Chapter Fifteen, Good Enough

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To be honest, I have quiet a bit I need to do, but I was waaaaay to excited to write this chapter. I seriously hope you guys enjoy this chapter as much as I did writing it. Not only is this one of my favorite songs, this chapter has... Well, you'll see! 

Thank you all again for sticking with me and reading. Since I feel like I've gotten to know you guys some through my story, I'm going to leave random facts about myself so you can get to know me as well (:

So, random fact one: I lived in Alaska for eight years. 

Please feel free to tell me more about yourselves, I would love to get to know you guys! Anyhow, happy reading! Sorry the part is so short this time ): 


Little by little, my vision slowly came back to me. I felt a sharp sting surrounding my body as I lightly moaned in pain. "What the hell..." I said to myself. I look at my surroundings, having no idea where I was. The walls were a creamy white with fancy patterns engraved in them and the room itself was rather large. A giant and beautiful crystal chandelier  hung from the ceiling and long, golden curtains cascaded down from the top of the window. I was in a large white bed, slightly stained red from my previous wounds. "Where the hell am I?" I asked out loud. I attempted to sit up but a surge of pain ran through me. I hissed a bit, then, very slowly, I sat up. 

I looked down at my body. Someone had bandaged me up and changed my clothing, but the bandages were obviously old and needed changing. Spotting a bathroom on the other side of this room, I slowly crawled out of bed and stood up on my wobbly feet making my way to the bathroom. I turn on the light just to see that the bathroom was just as breathtakingly beautiful as the bedroom was. White marble floors spread through the large bathroom while the white marble Jacuzzi bathtub was big enough for three people. The large shower was big as well, with the same white marble outlining it, and a large silver shower head. I turned to face the mirror and you could tell that I differently didn't live here.

I was a mess. My hair was sticking out in every direction, there were bags under my eyes and the scars were sticking up from the (F/C) nightgown that was placed on me. I opened the cupboards about the sink to see if there was any bandages, only to find some white towels. "Of course," I mumbled to myself. Whoever lived here must really like the color white. "May as well go find the owner," I mumbled. 

I left my room to be greeted with a long hallway, with the occasional picture frame or two. The hall was a warmer golden color, a nice break from the whiteness of the room. I slowly walked down the hallway, noticing that all the rooms had white doors to them. The first picture I came across was a black and white picture of the Eiffel Tower, with some people walking around in it and a couple in front of it kissing. I continued down the hall, passing two more rooms until I got to the end where it lead to, obviously more of the house. At the end, however, was another picture with a white door by it. I took a glance at the picture and the my breath caught in my throat.

It was a picture of Francis. Right around the time I met him. I'm in his house. Son of a bitch. As always when it comes to Francis, the instinct to leave kicks in right away. I, quickly as I could, made my way down the grand white stair case to look for an exit. When I got to the bottom and looked for the nearest exit, which happened to be the back door. "Please let there be no fence," I mumbled. I started into the room that lead to the back door and low-and-fucking-behold there he was standing next to a white grand piano. Of course. I froze in my tracks as we made eye contact and quickly went behind the nearest wall to where he couldn't see me. To my surprise, however, I didn't hear footsteps. Actually, it was just silence. It lasted so long it was almost unbearable. I was about to assume he didn't see me and try for the front door, but he started playing the piano and I froze once again. A beautiful, soft melody played from the perfectly tuned instrument, it was almost blissful, considering who it was coming from. The sound echoed through the large house, making me feel content for a while. And then... He started singing....

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