Chapter Four, I Hate You

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Hellooooo, long time since an update, I know. My excuse? 1) I was studying for finals and 2) I was EUROPE!!!! (London, Paris, Florence, and Rome.) If you ever want a company to go on tour with I HIGHLY recommend EF Tours. Anyhow, I promise that there will be pictures and faster updates now that summer is here. From now until July I've got a month of nothingness so I'll be focusing on this and my music for band. Just a little foreshadowing, my experiences in Europe will correspond with this story. One more thing, if any of you have a song recommendation please message me or let me know in the comments! Thank you to all of my viewers thus far and PLEASE let me know how I'm doing. Anyhow, on with the show! I (sadly) don't own Hetalia or any of this song.

~Every time I end up breaking you, you change into something worth keeping. Every time I'm close to saving you, you grow into a sin worth believing~

Love is beautiful, yet cruel thing.

You can love many things. Food, wine, objects, people, and so much more. However, what you fall in love with doesn't always have to be a person or object, as I have experienced age now know. You can fall in love with an emotion. You can fall in love with your hatred with someone.

Ironic isn't it?

But that is what happened to me. I never had the original intention to have any feelings for her, honestly, but around the time of middle school it just bloomed violently into an ugly little flower. Ever since, messing and toying with her became my addictive little game that I can't seem to draw to an end.

The fear makes her beautiful.

Unlike most girls who scream or cry when they become scared, she becomes more alert, more active in her mind, yet there has never been anything she can do about it. Most girls tend to beg for mercy and even try to act tougher than they are, but not her. In fact, I cannot even remember the last time she spoke to me. Oh, what a treasure it would be if I could get her so scared she would speak.

Everything was perfect. Until he came along.

He captured my (F/N) from our little game the day after school started, taking her to somewhere I couldn't reach (aka where the nurse was.) Ever since that day those two have been stuck at the hip. Walking together through the halls, hiding out at lunch, even studying together at the library. Although it's obvious that she still doesn't completely trust him, it's becoming easier for her to be around him. It's only been two weeks since they met and he's already starting to undo my work from the past five years.

It's sickening. However, it can be fixed.

Word has gotten out about Author Krikland's attendances at our high school and the fans have come out in swarms. I was confused at first, not sure why this new kid was getting all of the attention, until I heard from a trusted source (Antonio of course) that he was the lead singer of the band The Takeover. Why a famous celebrity would come to a public school is beyond me, but it played out well for me. When the Brit is being surrounded by fangirls, (F/N) is defenseless. Not to mention, I have a class with her first thing in the morning.

This is when I can strike.

~I never knew until I got a taste, what a waste of what I have been through. Cause nothing really makes that change, I'm so ashamed of what I did to you~

Ah, there she is. My little toy.

As always, sitting in the back with her hood up and eyes down, blocking out the world. Except for me of course, cause during this class, I know I'm all she thinks of. The fear in her heart is so easy to see, and it's so beautiful to look at.

"So, Francis," the blond haired and blue eyed beauty who sits beside me spoke to get my attention. "What are you doing this weekend?"

"Well, mon cher, I was planning on going to a party at Antonio's this weekend, would you like to accompany me?" I winked at her and smiled. The ladies loved it. Now if I could only remember her name.

"Oh, of course! Wait..." Her voice dropped. "What about that red headed girl? The one you've been dating for the past couple of weeks."

"Hohoh, you need not to worry about her, we 'ave broken up. Things didn't work out quiet right. Besides, you are quiet a bit more stunning that she is." I wasn't completely lying. You're ex can be a friend with benefits, non?

She gave me a smirk. Oh, how sexy. "Well, if that's the case I'd love to go."

I smirked right back, one I know she'll love. "I shall see you at 8:30 on Saturday then."

"Sounds like a plan."

"Mr. Bonnefoy! Miss Leemen!" Shit. Well at least I have her last name. "If you two would kindly quit flirting so I can get on my lesson that would be greatly appreciated." Mr. Williams scolded. Some of the boys in the class chuckled while almost all of the girls glared at the blond next to me.

All of them except for her.

It's almost as if she were smiling, something she doesn't do very often, even around the Brit. Perhaps she thinks she got the upper hand on me. This teacher adores her of course, and I suppose the public shaming didn't help me much. No matter, she won't be smiling for long.

The hell inside her head won't let her.

~I'll take, whatever I can take, whenever I can take it, if it ever comes~

She disappeared.

I planned on having a little "chat" with her after class, but it seemed she bolted off once again. What a shame.

"Francis?" The blond girl said. "You wouldn't mind walking me to class would you?"

"Of course not mom cher," as long as I can find my little toy along the way.

Down the hall. Right turn. Left turn. Up a ramp. "We're here." Oh, good. "Thanks Francis, I'll see you later," she winked at me as she entered the class. Well, now do I go to class or skip on the roof? The roof sounds nice right now...

Wait. (F/N)?

I spotted my toy after returning back from dropping off Miss Leemen (I really need to remember her name) off at her class. I could feel my face fall. She was with that damned Author again. How dare he. He's running everything I've worked for. I'm the center of her mind, controlling the hell in her head, and he's trying to take it away. How dare he, how dare he!

I won't let him.

"S-so what do you think love?"


"I-I'll have to see. I'm not sure if I can be out that long"

A date? Non.

"Well it's fine love, no need to hurry, just let me know before then."

"O-okay. I guess I'll see you later."

"Of course love, until then."

She went to class

He went the other way.

And I'm not going to let this little "date" happen. No, not ever. He will not have my toy. I must keep her suffering. I must keep that look in her eye. I must stay the center of her mind.

I must keep her mine.

~I hate you when you're gone, I hate you turn me on, I hate the way I need you when I don't know where you are. I love it even more when I find you on the floor, I know you think you hate me but I will always hate you more~

-Sick Puppies

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