Chapter Thirteen, Ain't No Rest for the Wicked

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Happy New Years Everyone! Sorry that it took so long to get this update up, hopefully you can forgive me. Guess what! I'M GOING TO GERMANY THIS SUMMER!! Super excited! I can finally put those two years of high school German to use! If any of you are living Germany, I'll shall be excited to join you all in what seems like a wonderful country! (Seriously guys, have you met a German? They're pretty awesome.)

Anyhow, a few things:

-I'm aware that I have been spelling "Author" and not "Authur." I apologize but I'm not going to start fixing it for this story because I don't want to be a sudden spelling change. Please forgive me.

-Thank you to ALL my readers and followers. I love you all (:

- I hope you had a wonderful holiday season! Whatever you may celebrate (:

-Good luck to your second semester of school... I'm so ready to graduate...

~I was walking down the street when out the corner of my eye I saw a pretty little thing approaching me. She said I never seen a man who looked so all alone could you use a little company?~

I walked down the dimly lit street, keeping my eyes alert for any sign of (F/N). She ran out of the school in the middle of the day for the second time this year and I haven't seen any sign of her since. The frog and I had made a pact at the end of the day to go searching for her, as much as it pained me to do. I don't know why he's suddenly being nice to her but I don't like it, I don't like it one bit. The idea of him finding her before I do pains me. I sighed to myself, giving it up for the night and hoping, no praying that she's at school tomorrow.

Walking down the pavement towards my home, I saw a woman standing on the corner. Her back was facing me, but it was obvious that she was a prostitute. You don't hear about it much, but everyone knows that it happens quiet frequently in this town.  She had black heels that looked like they could break an ankle very quickly, fishnet leggings up to her ares which were slightly covered by white booty shoots. Her pink cropped shirt seemed to go just below where he breast were and her blond hair was done up in a pony tail. I sighed to myself, wondering why she would be doing something like this. Nevertheless, she was in my path so I'll just walk by her and try to ignore her. 

Approaching her, I kept my head down and try to walk past her quickly. "Hey babe," I hear as I try to cross the street. I decided to ignore her and keep walking but I felt a warm palm touch my shoulder. "Hey now, it's rude to ignore a lady. I was wondering if you wanted to talk for a while," she said with a seductive voice that seemed.... Familiar? 

I turned to see the face behind me, slightly caked with makeup and smirking. "Morgan?! What the bloody hell are you doing here?"

She giggled. "This is my spot sweetie. You'd be surprised just how much money you can make off doing this, Author." she remarked.

"By whoring yourself out?!"

"By doing what I need to," she retorted back. She than smirked at me, wrapping her arms around my neck like a snake. "Besides, what's the point of life if you can't have a little fun."

"Aren't you after Francis? What would he think of you if he was to see this?" I asked, prying her arms off of me. She only laughed. 

"Ha! He's hardly one to talk! He's no different than I am, sleeping with nearly ever girl in the school! But I don't blame them. How can someone resist a sexy Frenchmen like him?" She said. "However, a famous British guy like yourself must have some moves of your own."

"I wouldn't do something like that with a vile person like you." I spat. "Not only do you not have any respect, you've harassed my only friend, my best friend at that! And you think I'd what to fuck the likes of you?" I can feel the rage boiling up from the pits of my stomach. 

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