Mission Impossible

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Y/n's POV

Monday January 1st
The plan was ago. Susie and I watched the Hatzgang chatting near Ross's locker. I was going to distract them while Susie slipped past and opened Roy's locker. We had to work quickly though. Lunch break won't last forever. 
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Asked Susie nervously. "They could seriously hurt you again."
I rubbed my arm where I still had the writing from my first encounter with the gang.
I made sure to wear a hoodie or long sleeved shirt every day to cover it. Though winter was almost over and things were starting to warm up. I hoped the pen would wash out by the time it got too hot to wear long sleeves.

"I'm sure. I don't want anyone else to get bullied by those gremlins ever again."
"Ok. I am gonna go around to reach Roy's locker. Do you have the code?"
"Sure do." I hand her a slip of paper with the code written on it.
"See you on the other side, friend." Said Susie. 
"See you on the other side." I replied.
And with that we went in separate directions. She was going the long way to Roy's locker to avoid the gang and I was going to walk right past them. They surely couldn't resist picking on me when I was making myself such an easy target. I just had to survive until Susie got her sketchbook back.
Just like we had planned, they noticed me right away. They quickly surrounded me so I had no direction to escape from. Roy was right in front of me.
"Where are you going?" He asked with a smug look on his face. 
Ok ok. Play it cool. Play victim. You've got this, Y/n. 
I wouldn't have to do too much acting though since I was already terrified of these boys.
"I was j-just, um- going to the- um- the c-cafeteria." I stammered out.
"Well, you're pretty lost then. Cafeteria's that way." He points behind me. 
"O-oh- um.." I didn't know what else to say. I was going to let this play out. Hopefully they don't try to hurt me. 
Roy laughed. He was shortly followed by the other two. He suddenly grabbed my non-injured wrist and squeezed it so it cut off my circulation.
"You've been here for about two months. I have a feeling that you wouldn't get so lost. Where were you really going?" He looked at me dead in the eyes. It felt like he was looking into my soul to figure out the truth to my lie. His eyes were strangely entrancing. Like I could get lost in them and never be able to get back out.
"Hey! Are you listening?" Shouted Roy, snapping me out of whatever strange trance I was in.
"What? Yeah! Yeah. I must've spaced or something." I said hurriedly.
He narrowed his eyes at me. 
"Well, we can't have you spacing while I'm talking to you so listen up."
He squeezed my wrist tighter and I winced.
"I don't know what game you're trying to pull but when I figure it out, your ass is grass."
"W-what?" I said, struggling to talk through the pain in my wrist. Tear drops started forming in my eyes.
"Ever since you got here, my authority has been severely questioned. I need to put you in your place."
Something about what he just said pushed me over the edge.
"No. You listen to me, Roy. I don't know what your problem is but I am sick and tired of you taking out your anger on me and everyone else. Most of the people here can't even stand up for themselves because they are so scared of you guys. You've taken things WAY too far and go way beyond any reason. I'm not going to let you hurt people anymore. This is going to be the last time!" 
He froze for a second, his grip loosening on my wrist a bit.
He opened his mouth as if he was going to argue back, but just then the bell rang. Lunch was over. He looked me in the eyes with the bitterest look I had ever seen and dropped my arm. He and his gang sped off without another word. I rubbed my wrist and winced at the stinging sensation that seemed to reverberate throughout my entire body. Tired. I'm so tired.
"Y/n!" I heard someone call behind me. I turned around to see Susie running down the hall, waving. She was holding something in her other arm. 
"Y/n! I got it!" She called as she approached. She held up the thick notebook for me to see.
"Th-that's great! I'm so glad the plan worked!" I say cheerfully, trying not to let my exhaustion leak into my voice. Susie noticed it anyway. 
"What happened? What did they do?" She asked tentatively? 
"Nothing crazier than they usually do-" I was cut off by Susie tugging my arm closer and pushing the sleeve up.
"Oh my gosh! Y/n did they do this to you?" She gestured to the red mark around my wrist. 
"Oh no, that happened on Friday when I was getting Roy's locker code. This is the one I got just now." I pulled up my other sleeve just enough to show the mark on my wrist but not enough to reveal the writing. 
"Y/n! This isn't good! We should take you to the nurses office! Right now, come on!" Susie pulled me by my sleeve and dragged me to the nurses office. 

"Well it sure doesn't look good." said the nurse as she inspected the marks on my wrists. "They could start swelling. I am going to get some ice to help prevent that."
The nurse hurried off, leaving Susie and I alone in the nurses office. 
"Why does Roy hate you so much? I mean he hates everyone but you especially." Asked Susie
I froze. I didn't want to talk about it or even think about it. But I could tell that Susie wouldn't let it go if I gave her nothing. I sighed.
"On my first day here he came up to me and broke one of my things. We got into a fight and he used a weird pen to write on my arm. I don't know what kind of ink that thing has but the writing is still there, even now. I don't want to think about it."
Susie looked at me, wide eyed.
"Oh my gosh! That must have been a special permanent marker. They are expensive but Roy's family is rich so it makes sense that he would have one. It should come out by Summer! Did you tell anyone?" she asked worriedly.
"Summer? That's months from now! I have been making sure to cover it but it will be more difficult when it starts getting hot outside. I haven't told anyone. Just you" 
"Why? Not even your parents know? No teachers?" She asked.
"It's fine Susie. I didn't want anyone to worry about it. I also reeeally don't want anyone to see it."
Susie looked contemplative, like she was trying to think of what to say. 
"Why don't you want anyone to see it?" Susie asked in a quiet voice.
My face got hot when I thought about it. That arrogant bitch's name is now (maybe permanently) written in bold lettering on my arm and there is nothing I can do about it. I wonder if he thinks about the shit he does and how it impacts people before he does it. 
"It's just um- really bad looking and- um- I don't want to um- make anyone uncomfortable.. or something.." I stammered out. Wow. What a great lie. She will totally believe a stuttering mess of an excuse like that. 
"Well let me see it! I want to make sure he didn't write anything crass." She reached towards my arm.
"NO!" I yelled and pulled my arm back quickly, causing my wrist to sting again. I winced.
Susie was startled by my sudden outburst. 
"Come on Y/n! Let me see it! It can't be that bad.. can it?" 
"Yes. It can be that bad." I said. 
Just then the nurse returned with an ice pack. 
"Ok. I am just going to look at your wrists again to make sure nothing is out of place. Then you are going to use this ice pack to prevent swelling." Said the nurse. "Do you think you could roll up your sleeves for me?"
I nod and roll my sleeves up a bit. 
"Could you roll them up a bit more, sweetie?" said the nurse is a kind tone.
I freeze for a second and then slowly shake my head. 
"Why not?" asked the nurse. I take a deep, shaky breath.
"I am- um- self conscious about my arms." I lie.
"That's not it. Roy wrote something on their arm in 'special ink' and they don't want anyone to see it." Said Susie.
"Susie!" I said in shock.
"You can't just hide it forever Y/n! You have to tell someone what happened so that that arrogant asshole can get what he deserves!" replied Susie.
"Susie. Please refrain from using crass language in the infirmary." said the nurse calmly. "Y/n. Can you show me what Roy wrote on you? If it is something very inappropriate we will have to suspend him." 
"Um- I don't want to." I said.
The nurse sighed. 
"Y/n. I need you to show me what he wrote on you. I need to know how serious it was so that we can administer an appropriate punishment."
I couldn't think of a way to argue with that. I didn't know what to say. I just sat on the bench, frozen.
"Oh just let me do it." Said Susie. Before I could react she pulled my sleeve all the way up. I yelped at the pain that the action caused in my wrist. Susie stared at my arm. 
"That little arrogant BASTARD!" Shouted Susie. I had never seen her this angry before. It startled me and made me nervous.
"Susie. Please calm down. There are people here trying to rest." Said the nurse in an attempt to calm her down. Susie swatted her hand away and stormed out of the office. The nurse stood in a stunned silence. There was almost no sound in the room. 
"A-Alright, Y/n. Let me see your wrists again." said the nurse in a quiet voice as she knelt down again. I held my arms out to her reluctantly and she started inspecting my wrists. 
"That boy and his gang are always causing trouble." She said. "This isn't the first time he has done things like this. I don't think the principle will suspend him. He never gives those boys proper punishment because Roy's parents are powerful, but he will definitely give them detention for at least a week."
I nodded. I was so tired, I just wanted to sleep. 
"Ok. Luckily the injured areas are not that bad. Just hold an ice pack on them and it should be fine."
"Thank you." I said. I left the nurses office. Just a few more periods until I could go home.

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