Two teens at a cheap cafe

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Y/n's POV (like always ͡❛ ᖨ ͡❛ )

Tuesday January 23rd
I had a plan to get the upper hand, though I wanted to postpone carrying it out until absolutely necessary. It was the perfect way to make Roy uncomfortable. Though I might make myself uncomfortable in the process. 
I just had to wait for Roy to strike. Once he approaches me to make his move I will throw it back in his smug face.
Working with Robert on the math assignment wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. When he is separated from Roy he is actually quite nice and someone who is easy to work with. It makes me wonder why he is even friends with Roy in the first place. How could someone as kind and helpful as Robert end up in a gang with the worst asshole in the school? 
"Ok! We just need to come up with a 3rd representation for our problem and then we will be done!" Said Robert from across the table. 
"Right. We have done an equation and a check. What else can we do?" I replied
"We could simplify it."
"Does that count?"
"I think so. I could ask."
"Ok. You ask the teacher and I will think of a backup in case that doesn't work."
He nodded and stood up to talk to the teacher. I started to think about a different way we could represent our problem, but my thoughts soon drifted back to Roy and his gang. My thoughts never drifted too far from them these days. 

Wednesday January 24th
I became increasingly nervous that at any moment, Roy would pop out of nowhere and attempt to carry out his plan. It had been awhile since we spoke last. Whenever I stepped into the school my nerves would grow and grow until the last bell rang and I could leave. I have realized in the past month that music helps to calm me down. Whenever I get home I will start playing some of my favorite artists and songs so I can just zone out and forget the world for a bit. 
I also haven't been sleeping well lately. It made sense why I couldn't sleep, but that didn't mean I disliked it any less. I was so tired today. 

Thursday January 25th
I was growing impatient. The days seemed to be flying by faster and faster with nothing new coming from Roy. Was he waiting for me to make the first move? He must be. It has been so long and not a single move has been made on either of our ends. I wondered if he was just as tired as I was of waiting. I suppose I had to confront him even though I really didn't want to. If he was waiting for me then I couldn't leave him waiting forever, now could I? No. That would just be rude. I decided to text Susie.

Y/n: Susie
Susie: Yeah?
Y/n: I am going to confront Roy. I have been waiting for too long and his "radio silence" is starting to get on my nerves.
Susie: You Go! Just be careful k?
Y/n: Ye ye IK. I will be careful. 
Susie: Good luck! Don't die.
Y/n: I won't. C U after school.
Susie: K

I put my phone in my pocket and went to search for Roy for the very first time. It was pretty easy to find him. One, because his brightly colored sweater and the fact he was built like an overgrown potato made him stand out, and two, he was looking for me. 
"Roy." I said as I approached him.
"Y/n." He replied coldly.
"I need to talk to you."
"That's funny. I need to talk to you, too."
"Well lucky us."
"I think our definitions of 'lucky' are quite different."
"I want to ask you something."
"I do too."
"You go first."
"No you go."
"How about we say it at the same time?"
"Sure. Why not."
"Ok 3"
"Go out with me."
We both stared at each other in surprise. 
"Well that wasn't much of a question." I said after a while.
"Why did you ask me the same thing! That was my big plan! You can't steal my plan!" Yelled Roy, not responding to the thing I said.
"I didn't steal your plan. We just had the same plan. I mean, what's more uncomfortable than two teens, out on their first date, trying to make a good impression with cheap hair product and borrowed clothes, at some run down cafe because neither of them have enough money to afford the nice places?"
"My thoughts exactly."
"Well I guess it's settled then. Meet me at the park, 8 o' clock, tomorrow."
"Where are we gonna go after that?"
"I will choose and it will be a surprise. You up for it?"
"Ffffffine. I'll see you then."
With that, I walked away, not waiting for anything else he might say. 

Friday January 26th
I felt sick. I didn't want to go out tonight. I was sleep deprived and worrying my insides into a knot. Worst of all, I was going out with the guy I hated the most in the world.
The class presented their math assignments today and I think mine and Robert's went well. 
I put on some mascara and eyeliner for a bit of flare but honestly Roy didn't deserve anything else. (If you are uncomfortable wearing makeup you don't have to wear it. I am just putting it there as an option for those who want it.)
7:50. Time to go. 
I was about to leave the house when..
"Where are you going?" Asked my mom from the kitchen.
"I'm gonna go do drugs and steal a car with my school friends." I replied sarcastically.
"Ha ha. Very funny. Where are you really going, sweetie?" 
"Just gonna meet a friend at the park." 
(optional scene)
"Oh my gosh! You put on make up! You never wear make up!"
"Yeah I know. I just wanted to add some flare to my awesome fit." I gestured to my plain hoodie and pants.
(optional scene over)
"Well who are you meeting? Is it Susie or did you make another friend?"
"It's someone else. Just some guy. Maybe I'll introduce you to him someday"* Yeah right.
"Oooooo it's a guy?" Mom wiggled her eyebrows at me.
"Mom! Ew! It's not like that!" I yell, lightly pushing her.
"Alright alright. Don't be out too late, ok? Be home by 10."
"Alright mom. C'ya."
"Love you sweetie! Have fun!"

"What the hell took you so long?!" I heard an all too familiar voice yell from a park bench.
"My mom showed me real motherly love. Something you don't have." I replied snarkily.
Oh shit. Oh shit his mom actually doesn't love him.
"Right yeah ok. Just follow me. I don't have all the time in the world and I have to be home by ten." I turned around and started walking. I didn't care if he started following me.
For the first half of the walk we didn't say a word to each other. There was nothing to say and, frankly, I wouldn't willingly try to start a conversation with Roy if it would save me from falling off of a 39.5 ft pole. (I just wanted to make a Grinch reference)
Then, unexpectedly, Roy started asking me questions. Weird questions. He was either trying to make me uncomfortable for the sake of the game, really bad at talking to people, or both. Most likely both.
"If you were in Romeo and Juliet would you want to play the role of Romeo, Juliet, or the guy who works the spotlight?"
"Guy who works the spotlight?"
"Ok. If you had to choose between only eating pickles or only eating PB and J sandwiches for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?"
"PB and J I guess? You could use a bunch of different types of jam or jelly or bread."
"Right. If you were to die right now, would I get sued for just being here and not doing anything to stop it or would I be let off as just a witness?"
"I'm sorry what?"
"If you could only play one mobile game for the rest of your life, which game would it be?"
"If you were in a kids show, which show would you want to be in?"
"Do you like card games or board games better?"
"I think-"
"How much PH do you usually like in your water?"
"Would you shut up and let me finish answering the damn questions?!"
He just blinked at me. I sighed. This was going to be a long night.


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