55 is the loneliest number

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Y/n's POV

Sunday June 22
"Woah! Where'd you get all this stuff?" Asked Robert. 
The group was visiting Roy's house. I was worried if he was ok because he isn't able to contact us but he seems to be doing fine. His room was pretty cool. He had posters of stuff he liked on his walls and a couple T R I N K E T S on a shelf next to his bed. He was probably happy that he didn't have to keep all of this in a wardrobe anymore. His eyes were alight as he explained the various things on his wall. This was probably the happiest he had been since we beat the cult. I wish I could see him happy like this all the time.
I wish we could all be happy again, but I had a feeling that things were going to go downhill again. Between the exorcisms we had to perform and the utilization of Roy's hearing, we were sure to be in for a rough period of time, however long that may be. I just hope there is a light at the end of it. 
But I wasn't researching right now. At this moment none of us were sick or in a coma. We weren't fighting the cult or making plans or arguing with ghosts. We were getting a tour of Roy's new bedroom at a house that he could be safe in. Roy was happily pointing out which characters were which on a South Park poster and answering Roberts questions about them. Susie and Ross were looking at the T R I N K E T S on Roy's shelf and occasionally commenting on them. I was inspecting the odd bear statue in the corner of the room. 
Sure we have challenges coming our way, that's for certain, but right now we are happy. We just needed a break. 
"And that one is Cartman. He's kind of an asshole, but he's pretty funny." Explained Roy.
"Like you." I commented, not bothering to turn around.
"Hey! You can't insult me while you continue to wear hoodies in the Summer." He snapped.
"Fair enough." 
"Are you kids enjoying yourselves?" Asked Milo from the door. Milo was odd but he's pretty cool.
"Yeah. Just checking out this bear." I said.
"Stop checking out my bear, Y/n." Roy accused.
"Yeah, Y/n. Stop checking out his bear." Added Ross.
"I am feeling VERY attacked right now." I finally turned to face the rest of the room.
"Y/n! Are you checking out Roy's bear?" Asked Susie in an accusatory voice.
"No I was just looking at it." I defended myself.
"You said you were checking it out!" said Robert.
"Um. Robert. My bear has pronouns y'know." Roy turned on Robert.
"Oh.. what are they?" Robert asked.
"Uhm.. it." Roy muttered.
Milo began to chuckle. 
"You kids are quite funny. Are you ready for lunch?" He said.
"Yeah I'm kinda hungry." Said Susie.
"Same." Said the rest of us in unison because I didn't want to write everyone's response.
"Good because we made food." Milo turned around and went down the stairs.
"That's his way of inviting you to eat. C'mon let's go." Roy said. 
He left the room and we all followed.
Lunch was soup. Good soup. Tasted like soup. Kinda crunchy. 
"Alright let's go back to my room." Said Roy after lunch.
We followed him back to his room after thanking Milo and Steve for the soup. Roy continued to explain his posters and I continued to check out his bear. Though, now I was actually tuning into what Roy was talking about. Something about the way he explained the things he was interested in and, sounded so happy doing it, hit me right in the heart. I almost freaked out. Why did this have to happen to me?
"Hey! Earth to Y/n! Whatcha staring at?" Susie waved her hand in front of my face and I blinked.
"What? Nothing! Just spaced out. Thinking." I responded. 
"Suuure.. Anyway, we're all going to stay over here tonight. Ross already texted Jaune and she said it was cool if the both of you stayed but if you wanna leave you can." Susie explained.
"Oh! Ok! That, uh- that sounds good!" I replied. 
"Dang, Y/n. Get your head in the game! Seriously, though. Get in game. We're playing a game." Susie shoved me lightly.
"I swear if you forced everyone to play Truth or Dare again.."
"No No! It's different! This one is gonna be fun!" Susie reassured me.
"That's what you always say." I grumbled.
"I'm serious this time! Just come to the circle and I'll explain the rules!" She pulled me to sit on the floor where the others were already sitting.
"Ok the rules are simple. One person dares another to do something. This sets the bar. If the person dared chickens out they have to give the next person a less interesting or intense dare. If they do the dare then they have to give the next person a more interesting or intense dare than the one they got. You get 3 chicken cards. If you lose them all up you're out. We go until there is one person standing with any chicken cards left. Got it?" Susie explained.
"That just sounds like truth or dare without the safe card." I stated.
"Well I wasn't going to say that but I mean I guess.. It's different though! The dares getting more or less intense and all that!" Susie countered.
"That sounds kinda dangerous. What if the dares get so intense because no one uses any chicken cards that we have to murder?" Robert worried.
"Is anyone here going to dare anyone to do something horribly wrong?" Asked Susie.
We all shook our heads. Well most of us.
"I mean.." Roy said.
"Roy. Stop." I said.
"Ok ok. Is robbing the candy store horribly wrong?" He asked.
"Yes." The rest of us said in unison.
"Alright alright. Understood." He put his hands up.
"Ok can we play now? This is gonna be super fun!" Said Susie.
"Sure, why not." I said.
"Just as long as no one gets hurt." Robert worried.
"Getting hurt is part of the fun!" Explained Susie.
"Susie! Stop!" Ross scolded.
"Sorry!" She put her hands up defensively.
"Ok everyone shut up. I'm starting." I said.
Everyone turned to face me. I turned to stare directly at Roy. He met my eyes and a look of worry crossed his face. I would save him for later.
"Ross, I dare you to take your hat off for the rest of the game." I snapped my head to face Ross.
Roy, Robert and Ross gasped.
"You can't do this Y/n! He's just a boy!" Cried Robert. Ross pretend fainted into their arms.
"Too bad. You want to use your first chicken card this early?" I probed.
"Fffffine." Ross grumbled. He pulled his hat off and set it next to him.
"Ok. My turn." He said. He looked around the circle. "Roy. Tell us who Blue J is." 
Roy's eyes widened. 
"Ooo! He's nervous! Good one!" Said Susie.
"Shut up!" Roy snapped. He crossed his arms. "He was my old stuffed raccoon. I used to sleep with him every night since I was six. Until he BURNT in my HOUSEFIRE, Ross." 
He hissed Ross's name with so much venom I could almost feel it. 
"You slept with a stuffed animal?" Asked Susie. Her eyes sparkled.
"Yes. If you spread this information around I will pull a midnight barber on you except I have no idea how to cut hair." He threatened, glaring at her.
"I wasn't gonna! I think that's adorable." She drawled.
"Shut up." he muttered.
I looked at Roy with a look of pity. Maybe losing his stuffed animal is why he's so grabby in his sleep. He's subconsciously searching for a replacement for Blue J.
"Ok it's my turn. Susie, hold this." Roy said. He pulled a small jar out of his jacket pocket and handed it to her. 
"What is it?" She asked. You couldn't see into the jar because it was lined with moist paper towel.
"A spider. Just hold it for the rest of the game." He explained.
"Eeep!" She screamed. She held it between her fingers as far from her as possible but didn't let go. Susie was very afraid of spiders.
"Roy, where the hell did you get a spider?" I asked. 
"I saw it in my room but it ran off so I used my hearing to find it. I honestly don't know why I kept it. It bit me." He said. 
I snickered. He was so stupid.
"Glad I kept it though. Perfect dare." He shrugged.
"Susie it's your turn." I said.
"Right." She said in a strained voice.
We continued the game like this for awhile. Everyone seemed to develop their own dare style. Ross would probe for personal information, Roy targeted things he knew you hated and give you something related, Robert dared you to do stunts that could potentially be dangerous but mostly just made you look stupid, Susie made you do the most uncomfortable tasks like giving the person in the circle you like better than everyone else your worst pickup line, but I soon became the most feared. I was unpredictable and jumped between a bunch of different styles. Robert, Ross and Susie stopped daring me for a while to spare each other until they realized Roy would always dare me if his last dare was especially bad so I could dare the person who dared him. Then the others stopped daring both of us. However, every now and then, Susie would dare one of us to throw a curve-ball. This game really was a game for the petty. 
The current chicken card score was, Robert: 1, Ross: 2, Me: 2, Roy: 3, Susie: 3. Susie refused to lose at her own game and Roy was just super competitive and petty. I was still saving a dare for him. Now was almost perfect so when the dare came back to me I was going to betray him. 
"Y/n, I dare you to share the worst way you know to get your partner in the mood to make out with you." Susie said.
"Ew." Muttered Roy.
"Shut up, Roy. I'm thinking." I put a finger in his face to shush him. He tried to bite me and I pulled my finger back.
"Ok, I have one. I saw this in a video once. Does anyone have a coin?" I asked.
"I do. Here." Roy handed me a quarter.
"Thanks. Ok. Who do I say this to?" I turned back to Susie.
"Just anyone." She said. I snickered.
"Ok.. Cool.." I turned slowly to face Roy.
"Oh dear god no." he said nervously.
"Hey, pookie. I'm going to flip this coin. If I get heads we make out in my parents' sedan. If I get tails I'm going to vent about the thing that is currently causing me the most anxiety. Both options will help me cope with my childhood trauma." I flipped the coin. "Fuck! You're gonna want to sit down for this one."
Susie and Roy burst out laughing. 
"Why your parents' sedan?" Susie cried.
"I don't know!" I responded. "They didn't even own a sedan!"
"Never EVER call me 'pookie' again." Roy said sternly. Then he went back to laughing.
"That was really bad." said Robert.
"Ok, my turn." I said. I turned to Roy ominously. He didn't notice, as he was still laughing a bit.
"Roy." I said. He stopped laughing immediately and looked at me. 
"This is your dare. Everyone follow me!" I stood up and left Roy's room.
Everyone followed me down the stairs and into the kitchen. Luckily, Steve and Milo had already gone to bed. 
"Simple dare. Go into the backyard and tell us what's there." I explained.
Roy froze for a second. 
"I'm not allowed out there." He muttered.
"I know. Dares need risk. You wanna chicken out?" I teased.
He looked conflicted for a second. 
"No." He said finally. He turned and grabbed the handle of the back door.
I knew he was going to do it. He can't turn away from a challenge. 
He slowly opened the door and stepped out into the backyard.

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