The Plan

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Y/n's POV 

Saturday January 6th
After Monday I had had enough. I needed to come up with a plan to make sure Roy and his gang never hurt me again. I decided that today would be a good day to visit Candy Club. I hadn't been in awhile and it might take my mind off things. The walk could clear my head and make it easier to come up with a plan. I slipped on a hoodie and shoved my wallet in my pocket. Everyone in the house was still asleep so I left a note saying where I was going on the kitchen table. 
It was nice out today. It was still overcast but at least I could step outside without getting drenched by rain. I was right about the walk clearing my mind. I forgot how peaceful a nice walk could be. I'm just always so nervous that I am going to bump into the Hatzgang. I took a deep breath of the fresh outside air. It felt good to fill my lungs with the cold air. I entered the candy shop and the bored looking clerk looked up at me. 
"Hello. Is there anything I can help you with today?" He asked. I came to learn that his name was Kevin. 
"Yeah." I said. I started to point out the candies that I wanted as Kevin got out a bag to put them in. After I had made my selection, I paid and exited the candy shop. I left at the perfect time too because once I had stepped out of the candy shop, the Hatzgang stepped in. It seems they had the same weekend plan as I did. My hood was up so they didn't notice me and boy was I glad that they didn't. I ran down the sidewalk towards the park as fast as I could to get away from the reminder of what I was doing out here in the first place. The park was a peaceful place. A good spot to eat my candy and come up with a plan.

I sat on a bench and began to eat one of my candies. How to deal with bullies. I tried to remember the little kids cartoons that I watched growing up and what they said about bullying. Nothing helpful of course, just the power of friendship. No fucking way am I gonna try to befriend the Hatzgang. I then remembered something I heard someone from a YouTube video say about bullying. "If someone is bullying you, just make it weird. Bullies want to see you cry, they want to see you scared and sad. Don't give them that satisfaction. Act in a way that is super inappropriate for the situation. They will probably leave you alone if they get a reaction out of you that they don't like. Unless they're into that. Then I can't help you." 
I thought about the advice. I could try it. It would probably be a bit difficult but I could pull it off if I tried. 
I wasn't going to let them bully me again.

Monday January 8th
Come Monday and Roy was angry. Well, he's always angry, but especially today. Monday was when he had planned to tape Susie's art up around school, but since we stole her notebook back, he wasn't able to. And he blamed it on me. 
"No one else has my locker combo! You must've taken it!" He yelled at me as he backed me into a corner in the hallway. 
"I-I swear I didn't. Why would I even want it?" I said.
"I saw you and Susie hanging out! You probably took it for her!" He shouted.
My back bumped into the wall behind me. Nowhere else to go. If I was gonna try my plan, I had to do it soon, before I got hurt. I swallowed hard as Roy advanced towards me. I am probably going to hate myself later for this.
"Y'know, you should seriously stop yelling at me. My mom owns a meat grinder and can't tell the difference between beef and.. others. I would know." I said with the most serious tone I had ever taken. I didn't expect him to believe it. I just wanted to freak him out enough to get him to stop.
Roy froze. He stared at me in surprise. Once again I felt myself spacing as he looked me dead in the eyes, his expression unreadable.
He narrowed his eyes. I became increasingly nervous. This isn't the reaction I was expecting.
"Is that so?" He asked.
My face grew hot and my nerves were off the charts. I was struggling to keep myself steady and not shake into another timeline. Roy raised an eyebrow at me. Then he smirked.
"Nice try but I've heard that little trick before. It's hard to fool someone who has been doing this for a while."
He walked closer to me. I squished myself against the wall to get as much space as possible between me and him. 
"You almost got me though. Usually I see through these things right away." He paused and thought for a second. "Meet me and the gang at Candy Club after school today. I want to make a deal. If you don't show up then we're gonna lock you in the boiler room all day tomorrow."
He narrowed his eyes at me and walked away. What the fuck just happened? What was strange about his threat is that it wasn't inherently violent. It still sounded awful but it wasn't a threat to hurt me like it usually was. What was he playing at?

A/n: Sorry 'bout that.

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