I like to read

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Y/n's POV 

Sunday March 1
"Rise and shine, losers!" Shouted a sharp voice, yanking me from my slumber. 
"Ughh" I groaned as I turned over onto my back. I had slept on my stomach.
"Shut up Roy! Let me sleep you little gremlin!" I heard Susie complain from beside me.
I rubbed my eyes as they adjusted to the light in the room.
"Nope! We have work to do!" Roy replied.
The memories of what happened yesterday flooded into my mind all too suddenly. 
"Right.. That book.." I said sleepily.
"That's right! So get up!" Roy argued.
"Alright alright. Just stop shouting." Replied Susie.
Susie and I got up to see that Robert was already awake. He sat cross legged on the floor holding the little book.
"Have you two opened it yet?" I asked.
"We considered it with how long you two were asleep for." Said Roy.
"It's only.. 9 am! Calm down!" complained Susie. "Oh! By the way! How's Ross doing."
"He's um- He's still out. I think he's better than yesterday, though!" Said Robert.
"Ok. As long as he's getting better." 
It seemed that during the duration of our plan to get rid of the cult, Susie had grown closer to Ross and Robert. Maybe even become friends with them. That was good. If we are to be spending a ton of time with each other, coming up with plans and such, it would be better to have a positive relationship than a negative one.
We sat in a circle on Roy's floor and Robert put the book in the middle. 
"Let's not have a situation like the police files, ok?" Said Robert.
"Yeah. Let's not." Said Susie. She gave Roy and I a glare. I gave her a slightly offended look back.
"Alright alright. Just open the book." said Roy, crossing his arms.
Susie turned the book towards her and opened it. We all gathered around to read. The pages looked new and clean; a stark contrast to the cover. There were only two sentences on the first page.

Seems you found my Super Secret Journal! Check in every now and then and maybe I can help you!

Susie flipped to page two. Then three then four and then flipped quickly through the rest of the book. Every page was the same. Entirely blank.
"What the hell? There's nothing in here!" She said in an annoyed tone.
"What do you think they meant by 'check in every now and then?'" Asked Robert.
"Who knows!? Everyone in that cult is probably crazy anyways!" Said Roy angrily.
Susie flipped back to the first page and was about to close it when-
"Wait! Don't close it!" I said.
"What? What is it?" Asked Susie.
"Look!" Said Robert. He pointed to the page. It said something different.

Ok so technically I am not supposed to do this because it won't sound as cool but also it's my st- notebook so I don't care. :P WOOoooOOoOOAaAHH! The book cHaNgEs! OOoOoOOoooOo!!
Now seriously close the book. I have things to do. Check in if you need something I guess.
Bye <3

"What the fuck?" Said Roy.
"Ok.. Cursed house has a cursed book. Not too surprising." I said, trying to rationalize the situation.
"I guess so." Said Roy.
"Close it and then see if it says something different!" Said Robert. "This book could have answers!"
Susie closed the book and opened it again.

Yes I have answers. No you can't have them yet. Now cut it out! I have a job!

"Oh." Said Susie.
She closed the book and set it down.
"Well.. ok then. Wait it said 'yet'. Does that mean we will get them?" Said Robert.
Susie opened the book again but it said the same thing.
"Ok. The book is annoyed with us. It did say that we should open it when we need help. Let's just stop bothering it now." I said.
"But we need help now! We have a cult to drive out!" Complained Roy.
"Maybe the book is just encouraging us to figure it out for ourselves! Teach a man to fish and all that." Suggested Robert optimistically.
"Oh and I suppose we just have to believe in ourselves and use the power of friendship to get rid of the cult!?" Argued Roy.
"Well I don't know! We know as much as you Roy!" Said Robert.
Roy groaned and Susie closed the book again.
"Well at least we know that if we are ever in a pickle, we have a sarcastic book who can give us a helping hand." I said. 
"Who is gonna keep the book with them?" Asked Susie. "We can't do a rotation like they do in the movies. That has too much potential to go wrong. One of us has to keep the book with them."
"I think Robert should do it. Out of the people here who are currently conscious, he is the most sane." I said.
"Oh no. It can't be me. My little sister will probably wonder what it is and take it. Or my older brother will find it. Or I'll lose it. Maybe Y/n should." He said.
"I have the same problem. I have a little sister and a nosy mother." I said.
"Well I can't take it. My little brother is the worst of all. He and his weird friend are constantly breaking into my room and taking my stuff. They would have this book in their little hands within minutes." Said Susie. 
"Ross is unconscious so he can't do anything.. That leaves one person." Said Robert.
We all turned to look at Roy.
"I don't know guys. He lost the police files." Said Susie.
"But think about it. He doesn't have any siblings so there is no risk of one stealing it. We only need to open the book when we need help so he could keep it in one place when we aren't using it and therefore wouldn't lose it. Plus, his parents aren't super nosy in his life so if we find a place where it won't be in plain sight then they wont find it!" I said.
"Dang, Y/n! I thought you were gonna agree with me on this one." Said Susie. She smirked and raised an eyebrow.
"That might actually work! What do you think, Roy?" Asked Robert.
"Oh.. Uh.. Sure! I could keep it in my closet! My parents don't go in there anyways." Said Roy.
"Then it's settled! Sassy book can stay in Roy's closet." Said Susie.
We all nodded in agreement.

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