149 10 2

New Orleans
November 24

"Please don't push her that high Kay" I yelled from the bench.

"I keep telling her" Maya said.

Me and Cha decided to take the girls to the park since it was nice today. Jeremiah,Trav, and Chaylin went to go get ice cream while we stayed here since the girls really didn't want to leave. I was looking up resources for my psychology paper when I heard Mel running towards me. I knew she would come to me for the 5th time since we've been here and it haven't been 30 minutes yet. Mel really wasn't use to being around a lot of people so she would throw a fit here and there, and go to the person she knows the most. Which is me and Chris.

I watched as she ran but her little legs was going so fast.

"Slow down baby" Just then she fell, I got up and she looked up at me with her bottom lip quivering.

"Uh oh" she cried. I checked to see if her legs was okay and they were, she just scared herself by falling so fast. I giggled at her statement.

"Did she say uh oh?" Cha asked.

"Yeah, that's her favorite word next to dada"  I chuckled and sat her on my knee and bounced it up and down.

"I know Aug was excited to hear that" cha smiled. I nervously chuckled knowing that Mel only calls Chris that.

I checked my ringing phone and seen I had a text.

Jamel 🫶🏾: We won, moving on to the championship💪🏽

I smiled at the picture he sent of him shooting the winning three and celebrating after. I chuckled and sent him a congratulations text.

Congratulations🥂! What team is next?

Jamel🫶🏾: we play some people from yo home town.

You get too meet your match.

Jamel 🫶🏾: ion think so, I'm undefeated💪🏾😂

I playfully rolled my eyes and put my phone back up. Jamel was fighting for the number one spot in the country which is Taurus spot. I don't know much about basketball but I'm pretty sure Jamel is number two and this upcoming game in New York reflects on their position in the country in their division.

"Ice cream" Kay yelled. I turned around and seen Jeremiah, Chaylin and Travis standing behind me with ice cream cups and cones.

"One for one lil gremlin, one for the second and the meanest gremlin" Trav said giving me Mel's I've cream cup.

Her eye's immediately lit up. She didn't give me a chance to feed her, her strong hand flew in the cup and grabbed whatever she could and stuffed her fist in her mouth.

"A baby's grip is nothing to play with" cha said laughing at the mess she was making. I couldn't help to shake my head at her.

I put my iPad in my bag and looked over at the bench at Chaylin and Jeremiah. They've been inseparable since I've been here and I can't help but to think, they were dating on the low like nobody notice but I didn't say anything.

"So what's going on with Melody's birthday party?" Cha asked.

"Rico got the decorator and everything so it should be okay. The only thing is Melody doesn't have any friends besides the girls" I looked down at melody as she tried to feed herself and spill it over her shirt.

Love Life (Sequel to Thug Life)Where stories live. Discover now