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Sunday, February 15th

I woke up later than usual. But considering the events that occurred last night, I wasn't complaining about getting the extra rest. I still felt a bit sore so I took a bath instead of a shower. I grabbed a pair of Aug's joggers from the dresser and a t shirt and headed down the stairs. Before I made it to the last step I seen August watching tv on his phone while eating cereal. Coming up behind him I wrapped my arms around his shoulders peeking over.

"Hey baby" I said as he turned his head. kissing his lips I went to the fridge scanning it.

"Wassup ma ma. How'd you sleep?" He queried. I took out my frozen waffles and some apple juice.

"I slept good. What about you?" I smiled at him then put my waffles in the toaster.

"Good as hell" he boasted as I plated my waffles and poured my juice.

"What are you watching?" I asked sitting across from him.

"A movie" he said. Eating a piece of my waffle I squinted at him trying to listen.

"What movie is that?" I questioned hearing light moaning. He smirked turning his phone around. Squinting my eyes I got closer to the phone confused, until I realized what it was.

"Why do you have this?" I grabbed his phone looking at a video of us.

"What you mean? You the one that recorded us on my phone" he laughed while shrugging his shoulders. Taking the phone back he put his bowl in the sink.

"Delete it" I demanded as I ate my waffles.

"You see how you was throwing dat ass b-?" He said putting the phone in front of me.

"August" I staled faced him as he laughed.

"A'ight I'll delete it" he said as he continued to laugh shaking my head, I finished eating my waffles.

"Have Rico called you yet about Melody?" I asked rinsing off the small dishes that were in the sink.

"He texted and said he was dropping her off later" 

"Really? Are you sure he said that?" I asked drying off my hands.

"Yeah look" he showed me their messages and I was kind of sad. I never liked being away from Melody for so long even when I had to go to school. I missed her already but I knew the circumstances with Rico. He missed her, but he wanted a kid and I knew this was his way of dealing with it.

"Promise she's okay". He reassured seeing how my mood changed

"I know but I miss her". I pouted.

"How about we just take this time as a break for you? You've been in mommy mode heavy, full time student and dis T.A job shit." He said and my eyes widen.

"Oh my god. I completely forgot to make the agenda for Tuesday" I looked around for my school bag but August grabbed my hand pulling me to him.

"Ma ma calm down it's Sunday" he said laughing at me. Come on let me take you somewhere. You want go get yo nails and hair done? You want me to take you shoppin? You wanna go on one of those picnic dates you like?" He listed as I thought for a moment.

"We can go on a picnic date...with Melody" I added as he shook his head.

"How about we go on this date for a little minute by our self, then I'll have Rico dropped her off to us at the park?" Sighing, I gave in to his suggestion.

"Fine" I playfully rolled my eyes as he kissed my forehead. "Come on" Grabbing his hand, I started walking to our room.

"I'm dressed" he said confusedly looking at his jogging pants and simple white shirt

Love Life (Sequel to Thug Life)Where stories live. Discover now