"Tete can we please open one gift?" Maya asked for the fourth time while I checked the collard greens.
"You have to ask your mom Maya" I turned off the oven so I wouldn't burn the cornbread or the Mac and cheese I made from scratch.
"Nope, and stop asking" Cha said fixing Melody's hair. Maya sighed and went back to the living room.
I was making a little something today since it was Christmas Eve and a bigger meal tomorrow. Collard greens, corn bread, Mac and cheese, dressing and some yams. Some we're leaving tonight or in the morning to be with family and that was expected. Everyone was here except all the guys. Rico, Marcus, Aug, and Jeremiah went to get drinks for the house and Taurus, West, Jaylin and Trav went to get last minute gifts.
"All done pretty girl" cha said turning Melody around. I smiled and wiped my hands off admiring how beautiful she is.
"Aww you look so pretty baby" I pinched her cheeks as she poured. She didn't like getting her hair done.
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I chuckled and she climbed down the chair and ran to the living room.
"She is such a busy body" Jayda said walking into the kitchen. I nodded agreeing, she couldn't sit still unless she was eating.
"And her hair is growing so much" cha said.
"That's why I don't be knowing what to do with it" I turned off the stove and sat down. I was so exhausted, I've been up cooking for hours and it wasn't that much food.
"Braids is always the way to go" Dess said and cha nodded.
"The food done?" Chaylin asked walking into the kitchen.
"Yeah but we are waiting on your uncle and everyone else to come" Cha said.
"Where's Mr.Future?" Tiff smiled as she walked in.
"In Atlanta" Dess said.
"Why he go back so early?" Jayda asked confused and she shrugged. I looked at Dess and her whole aura was off to me. I was about to speak but then I heard the front door close. They walked in the kitchen laughing and sat down the bags.
"It took y'all that long to get two cases of water?" Jayda said.
"Because we was in here starving" Kay said I chuckled as they began to talk about why it took so long.
"Marcus wanted to get something for his bm" Rico said.
I watched August sat the cases of water and sodas in the fridge. We haven't really haven't talked much since yesterday and I honestly was tired of trying. I just wanted him to talk to me about what was bothering him because I could sense that the whole step father thing was really getting into his head. We are trying to keep it mutual so no one would ask questions about what was going on between us. He looked over at me after he closed the fridge and quickly moved on. I turned away slightly irritable "Ight y'all ready to eat?" Aug said.