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9:41 PM.

The rain is falling relentlessly. I can't remember what time it actually started but I think ever since the day began, it's been raining like crazy. I just want to go home which makes me think about my present situation and I just want to bawl at the top of my lungs. I got robbed and there are 2 guys watching me like I'm a piece of meat. My knees are shaking and I'm starving. I don't know how I'll call my mum or anyone I know and thinking that they might not be able to rescue me makes this present so fucked up. My tears fell. What am I going to do? What am I going to do in this foreign country with the rain lashing mercilessly? I'm so cold. Then I noticed that the guys were inching slowly towards me. I wanted to bolt but I don't know where else I'll go. My chest is constricting and my heart is thudding so hard that the sound is getting a little too loud for my ears. Dear God, please help me.

"Not lost, are you?" a voice asked and I flinched a little. It's one of those guys who spoke.

"Man, she is lost. Come with us. We'll help you find your way," the other seconded and I don't like the look on their faces.

"I-I'm okay. Thanks," I stammered and edge away from them but the bastards are insistent.

"Don't be shy," the thick face said and I was shivering in repulsion.

"Really, I'm okay," I said a little firmly. The other thick face made to grab my arm and I clenched my fists ready to fight back.

"Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late! The rain held me up." I froze inside when I heard the voice and I turned around. There's this girl holding an umbrella closing in a little fast. I don't know her. Our gaze met, I fleetingly saw warning in her eyes then it was gone. I wanted to cry in relief. She looked at me then to the guys.

"얘들아 여기 문제있니??" The girl is speaking in her language. The bastards shook their heads.
(Is there any problem here guys?)

"아니, 아무것도 없어. 당신은 그녀를 알고??" The girl nodded.
(Nah, there's nothing. Do you know her?)

"She's a friend of mine," the latter responded and directed her gaze to me. I flinched again inside. Her eyes were so kind with a little cloud of worry as she took me in. She reached out and held my arm, motioning for me to go. I nodded without hesitation, breathless.

"Come on," she muttered and opened the umbrella. I wanted to bawl at the top of my lungs. The girl opened the passenger's door of her car and gently made me go inside, holding my arm all the while, guiding me. She then hurriedly went to the driver's side and closed the umbrella, stashing it in the back seat. The car stood there idling and I squinted where the bastards were but they're gone. I pivoted my gaze to the girl. I wanted to say thank you but my mouth feels so dry. I opened my mouth to speak but she hushed me.

"Whatever that is, you can save it later. What are you doing in this place alone?" she demanded as she shifted the gear. The car lurched forward. I chuckled uncertainly. Yes, there is anger in her voice but I can hear relief as well.

"I was robbed. The guys took everything. I don't have any money. No nothing. My phone is inside my bag and my passport. I don't know who to call. I'm just here vacationing," I replied, speaking a little too fast. The girl shook her head then reached out to pat my arm gently. The lights went red and the car skidded to a stop. She leaned in the back seat and rummaged for something. I was staring right ahead, unable to think or say anything. She then gave me a jacket.

"Here, it's cold and you're dripping wet from the rain. First things first, let's get something to eat then we can sort out the problem," she said, smiling a little. The emotion's building up my chest and my tears just fell.

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