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Trigger warning chapter. If you're currently in that tight spot in life, I suggest you skip this.



I gasped for breath, waking up suddenly. It took a moment before my eyes adjusted to the surroundings.

Why is it so dark here? I asked myself wildy, my heart thudding hard inside my heart.


"Why? Why are you leaving?!" I asked, trying to calm myself. Chaeyoung looked at me blankly.

"I can't go through this, Soo. I can't put you into something like this. So please, let me go."

I stared at her, at the woman I seriously thought I knew. Tears welled up in my eyes but I refused to let the shit fall.

"Is this because of Jennie? Is this about what she threatened she'd do?" Chaeyoung shook her head.

"No. It's my own decision. This is wrong. I will drag everything you built up down with me, Jisoo. I just can't. I can't." I shook my head, reaching out to hold her arm. Chaeyoung flinched and moved a little so I won't be able to touch her. My hand froze midair, unbelieving.

"So this is it, then? After everything we have promised to each other? You'll just drop me like that?" Silence. Chaeyoung's tears fell. I gritted my teeth.

"Answer me, Chaeyoung, dammit!" I'm beginning to lose my cool, clenching my fists hard now. Digging my nails on my palms but I can't feel that pain. The pain building up in my chest is the only thing I can comprehend right now.

"I'm so sorry, Soo. Please after this, don't seek me out," she whispered and turned around, to the door. I was rooted on the spot. I was still gaping at the closed door, even after Chaeyoung went out of it.

Somebody please tell me that didn't just happen. Realizing that it really did happen, my tears finally fell, relentlessly. Everything feels like closing in on me and it's making it hard to breathe. I put a hand to my chest and scream at the top of my lungs.


8 AM.

Bam! Bam! Bam! BAM!

If the punching bag could just complain, it'll definitely tell me off. I've been in my make up gym, punching the hell out of the boxing punching bag ever since the wee hours of the morning. Not even putting anything to protect my knuckles. The tie holding the bag suddenly snaps and that's when I stop punching it. Something is dripping from both my hands. I looked down at it blankly, realizing after a full minute that it's blood.

Blood was indeed dripping steadily from my torn knuckles. I suddenly felt the pain in them but apparently, only my brain is registering the pain. My chest feels so hollow in any other kind of emotion. I was pulled up from my reverie when I heard the phone from the kitchen rings. I ignored it. I've been ignoring phone calls for a while now.

"Chichu, where are you? Please we're so worried about you. Christine said you've been on indefinite leave. Please, pick up the phone." I listened to Bea.

"Kim Jisoo, where the hell are you?! It will only take you about 5 seconds to pick up the goddamn phone so do it!" I want to chuckle at the frustration in Mandy's voice. I reached down to unplug the phone's cord. I must remember to change my phone number.

I literally moved out of the unit without telling it to any of my friends. I don't need them to be fussing on me right now. They've been fussing over me every time something like this happens and it's about time for me to do something about it myself.

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