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I was frowning at the Mac laptop in front of me. It's been a week since I sent the email to Liv, my manager and she's just responded after 5 days.

"Hey Rosie, sorry I wasn't able to get back to you right away. We're a little busy. Are you sure you want to practice there? Thank God by the way you're okay after what happened. It's imperative that we speak face to face. Schedule a Skype session as soon as you can. Liv."

I rolled my eyes at the screen. Even in email she sounded off. I breathe a sigh. I heard Jisoo chuckle. I look at her pouting. She burst out laughing.

"What's with the face?" she teased. I sighed again.

"It's my ever lazy manager. She just replied to my message. She said we have to talk face to face," I answered as I typed my reply.

"I take it as good news. You've got permission to practice here."

"Thank heavens for that. I'm itching to be doing something. You're always paying the bills." Jisoo chuckled again and leaned in to kiss my temple gently.

"No complaints here," she murmured. I took a deep breath.

"I want to help you baby. It's just not right that you're taking care of all of the expenses. It doesn't feel right to me. I don't want people to think I'm taking advantage or whatever," I countered.

"Stop. We both know you're not. What is it you told me before? As long as both of you know what the truth is, what others think or say doesn't matter. Come on, cheer up. We have the resources and besides, whatever's mine is yours too." I chuckled and wrapped an arm around her neck.

"So silly," I teased. Jisoo grinned wider then laughed.

"Hey um, I'll be going to the church later at 4. You want to, um, come with me?" she asked reluctantly. I grinned too.

"Of course. Regardless of religion or tradition, I'll always go with you. Out of curiosity, you're a Roman Catholic? I see some stuff in our room." She smiled sheepishly and nodded. My spirits soar because I am too.

"Yes," she answered. I bounded forward and embraced her again.

"Same here. Fate's perspective and I'm so glad. We visited a church. I forgot what it's called. They said that if you pray for anything in that particular church, whatever you badly wanted, it will be yours," I whispered. Jisoo chuckled.

"That's true. I can attest to that," she said. I broke from the embrace and looked intently at her face.

"Really? What did you pray for?" I asked curiously.

"It's not anything material. She's um, right here with me now," she answered blushing deeply. I gaped.

"No way," I whispered. Jisoo chuckled and kissed my forehead gently.

"Crazy right?" she whispered. I nodded and gulped.

"Very because the one I prayed for is here with me too," I murmured and leaned in to kiss her full in the lips. Jisoo caught and wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling closer. I parted my lips and the latter slipped her tongue inside. I grabbed and moved much against her. We parted from the kiss, breathless.

"I love you," she murmured. I smiled and traced a fingertip on her lips.

"I love you more, baby. You're every woman's dream come true," I murmured back. She smiled and shook her head.

"Not really. I'm an idiot sometimes. You're the only one who tolerates me," she said and I chuckled.

"Only because you allowed me inside your defenses. They don't know you like I do," I countered gently.

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