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The drive back home was surprisingly fast. Jisoo is right about less traffic. There are still people out, waiting for buses to go home and I can't help feeling a little sorry for them. What I'm seeing right now is very different in Melbourne. I guess there are things that cannot be easily changed.

"You okay?" Jisoo asked. I looked at her and grinned.

"I am. Just a little shock about how things are going on here. It's very different in Melbourne," I answered.

"Worlds apart, huh? I can feel you. There are instances that I just want to leave," she mused. I pivoted to look at her. I never knew that.

"For real?" I asked and she nodded.

"For real. I just don't want to. I've read this saying in a shopping bag before that says we should be the change we wish to see in the world," she answered and I stared.

"That's Mahatma Gandhi," I said, surprised. Jisoo grinned sheepishly.

"It is. I was inspired by that and anyway, I have a stable job. So there really is no need for me to leave," she said.

"You are so full of surprises."

"Am I? Not much, to be honest. It's just who I am."

"Not so surprising. You're one of a kind," I said and Jisoo chuckled.

We arrived home half past 12. Jisoo held the door open and motioned for me to get inside first. I did and took the paper bags out of her hand.

"Thanks baby," she grinned and I leaned in to kiss her. Jisoo chuckled and kissed me back. We're both giggling like teenagers. I went to the kitchen to get some plates and other utensils before going back to the sitting room.

I found Jisoo rummaging on the cables on the TV. She already took off her shoes and I chuckled at the socks she's wearing; a pair of purple ones with Hello Kitty design. She looked around at the sound of my voice.

"What are you doing?" I asked, chuckling.

"I'm going to connect my phone to the TV so we can watch the movie," she said. I burst out laughing.

"You are so silly! Anyway, I think you'll like the first movie. Here, I got the plates. Should I get you some clothes?" I asked, shaking my head.

"I'll go get it. Come on, let's change first so we  can eat."

"Okay," I answered, struggling to keep a straight face. She giggled and snaked an arm around my shoulders. We're laughing as we entered the room.

Jisoo changed to a pair of boxers and a white shirt. She always likes to wear white ones. Then she pulled her hair up in a loose bun.

We went back to the sitting room. I loaded the plates as the latter worked on her phone. Soon enough, the Universal logo blasted on the TV screen and Jisoo hurriedly sat beside me. I laughed.

"This better be good," she teased.

"It is. I have watched it before and it's worth repeating it. Go on, eat," I said and took a bite on my chicken piece. It's a nice sight seeing familiar scenes like this. I can't believe I'm watching this movie again with Jisoo.

We finished watching and Jisoo is having some last song syndrome, whatever that's called. I have to admit, the movie soundtrack is pretty cool and the latter has a nice voice.

"Thank you for letting me know about this. It's been a long time since I watched something good like this and more to that, with someone I love," she said. I chuckled and wrapped an arm around her neck.

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