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Monday. Start of my classes and Jisoo's work. I was sitting near the back contemplating. So much has happened this weekend and it's too good to be true. I'm not complaining, just a little scared. I have experienced something like this before; everything's taken back. I don't want anything to end. I always wanted to be with Jisoo. Without her around suffocates me, just like now. I breathed a sigh and attempted to focus on class. I have few acquaintances. I'm a little afraid of them. I don't know, it's sometimes in the way they look. I sighed again.

"Hi. It's almost lunch. Don't forget yours. I'll be there before 3 this afternoon. Stay safe, babe." I smiled at Jisoo's message and immediately typed my reply.

"You too. Can't wait to see you later. I'm a little sleepy. Keep safe too, baby. I love you." I pocketed the phone and looked at my plate. I'm not really hungry. I sighed again. I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket. I fished it out right away.

"I love you more. See you later."

"See you." I replied and stashed the phone inside my bag. I looked around. Seoul National University is at the heart of the Metro. I can see staggering students, probably cramming for some exam. I snorted inside and took a bite on the burger. I honestly just want to finish this and practice.

I frowned a little when I heard my ringtone belting out. I dug on my bag and frowned deeper at the unfamiliar number. I'm pretty sure it's a local number. I picked it up.

"Hello?" I asked curiously. Silence and my frown deepen.

"Who is this?" I asked again.

"Um, hi." I looked at the phone again before putting it back on my ear. What the hell Jennie wants from me?! My heart is starting to sprint inside my chest.

"Who is this and how did you get my number?" I'm trying to get a hold on myself.

"This is Jennie and it doesn't matter where I got your number. Can we meet?" I did a double take on the urgency of her words. She doesn't even sound demanding. I just sensed that she needed to talk to me.

"What do you want?" I asked again.

"You'll know once we talked face to face. Where are you?" I hesitated for one second. At least I'll get to know her side of the story if ever this is about Jisoo.

"Eating lunch at McDonald's. Near SNU," I replied, giving in. I heard a sigh at the other end.

"I know that place. Thank you and I'm so sorry. Please, just don't judge me right away," Jennie whispered and the line went dead. I was so taken aback. What does she honestly want from me? I don't have anything to do with whatever happened to her and Jisoo in the past. I pocketed the phone again. If this is going to take long, I'm ditching my last class. I looked outside the glass walls again. I don't know where this is going.

"Hey," I looked around at the sound of the voice and I stared. Jennie is much prettier than the last time I caught a glimpse of her. I stood up.

"Hi," I greeted politely.

"I'm so sorry for calling you without warning but I have to talk to you. I recognized you right away from the outside. I don't know if you remember we met at Liz's restaurant." I nodded.

"I remember you. Please, sit down. What brought all this on?" I asked curiously. Jennie sat down and gaze outside for a moment and returned her gaze back at me. I flinched inside; I saw guilt in there.

"Jisoo," she simply answered and I sighed. I was afraid it was the case.

"What about her?"

"I don't know if she's already told you what happened to us years ago." I nodded.

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