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1:23 PM.

Jisoo and I are walking hand in hand at this big shopping mall. A lot of people are out and about today. The latter staged whispered its Friday that's why. I burst out laughing at that. She can be funny when she wants to. I took a deep breath inhaling her scent. Her things really are comfortable and she insisted that we get some personal stuff for me. I don't have the heart not to let her have her way. The bank replied immediately and cancelled my cards and is in the process of replacing them. About time too because I don't want Jisoo to always pay when we go out. We talked about going to the embassy Monday next. She's called her friend working there and an appointment was set up.

Jisoo is really one of a kind. She's so cute in her 5 feet 3 inches frame. I'm taller than her by at least 3 inches or so. Got a little lucky in the height department. I snorted inside. Mum emailed me as well, sounding worried. I have to call to soothe her agitation. I must've told her I'm okay like 30 times before she calmed down. I have to promise too, that I'll keep her updated on my whereabouts. I have to roll my eyes at that, 25 and still have to ask permission from her mother. Oh God. We passed this flagship store of an elite looking shoe brand, Dior and Jisoo suggested we get a couple's shoes. I burst out laughing at that again. I have never thought about it before. I've been through several relationships, almost got married, but never came up with this kind of idea.

We browsed the store and the designs are good. I must've seen something like this in Melbourne. I got an all leather brown and the latter got black. It looks good on her. Now that I notice, she has this sense of fashion and really, it doesn't show that she's a lawyer. She has this distinct humble aura which I really like by the way. She's so different from the others and even though she's gay, I don't know, she doesn't go astray. Maybe that's one reason I'm so attracted to her. She's a looker without trying.

"Are you hungry?" she asked as we weaved in and out the crowded place. I shook my head.

"Not really. You?"

"I'm good too. Let's do some grocery shopping before we go home and I'll show you where I work," she said, smiling. I was so thrilled.

"I'd love that. I'm thinking we will grab a bite for a light lunch. We haven't eaten anything today," I said. She smiled again and squeezed my hand gently. I returned the pressure, smiling back.

"Sure." And we look for a place to eat. Jisoo, I noticed as well, is not really the type of picky person when it comes to a place to eat. She's not like the other elite looking people I'm seeing. I guess you'll know it in her at first glance. She's really kind, even letting the elderly go in first the elevators and that lady with a baby. It's simply who she is and I'm contemplating what might have happened to her in the past that she's not so keen on being sociable anymore. We ended up in Cinnabon. It's this homey cinnamon rolls place that has a captivating smell.

"What do you like to eat?" Jisoo asked as I perused the menu. My mouth watered and I can't resist sugar right now.

"I'll have these Cinnabon bites and a lemonade," I answered and looked at her biting my lip. The latter chuckled.

"What?" she teased.

"This is all your fault. You baby me too much and it's been like almost 48 hours. I'm already smitten with you, you monster," I answered. Jisoo laughed and leaned in to kiss my forehead.

"Guilty as charged, your majesty. Hey, I honestly think you deserve it and do you know I love the way you smile?" I back pedaled. What?! How does she even know that all my friends say that too? Rosie with the killer smile!


"Don't pull my leg. I'm just average."

"You don't see yourself the way I do. You're so beautiful," Jisoo said and that wiped the smile off my face. I can feel the heat creeping up my face.

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