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"What the actual fuck are you doing here?!" I immediately lost all my cool the moment I saw Jennie in the hospital.

This bitch seriously didn't have enough and I'm not going to restrain myself anymore. It was Bea who held my arm to stop me, probably from slapping the fuck out of Jennie.

"Not here Chaeyoung. Jennie please just leave," Bea said, voice quivering slightly.

"I--," Jennie paused and gulped hard, imploring. "I just wanted to see Chu. Please."

I let out a derisive laugh, unable to contain myself anymore.

"You have no right, Jennie. You have no fucking right to even catch a glimpse of Jisoo! No fucking right!" I shouted to the latter's face. Silence. Jennie's tears just fell, unable to say anything.

"Do you honestly know how hard it is for me to even look at her right now?! Damn it Jennie, I feel like I'm dying too. Have I been a second late, she'll die. She'll fucking die!" My voice faltered at the last sentence.

Jisoo could have fucking died!

Liz held on to my other arm, preventing me from making a scene but I was so lost in the anguish; for myself and for the woman I thought wanted the best interest for us.

I waved off Liz and moved a little closer to Jennie.

"Chaeyoung," Christine warned but I was deaf to all the restraints right now. Jisoo could have fucking died. I can't tell everyone how close it was from losing the love of my life.

You all have no fucking idea!

"What are you even going to tell Jisoo, Jennie? All of your lies?! I fucking don't care anymore if you shout it to the world that I'm a slut. I will never forgive you for making me almost lose her!"

"Damn you! I will never fucking forgive you for making me almost lost her!"

Christine and Mandy held my arms now pulling me away from Jennie. I don't fucking care if I'm making a scene already. I just need this to get off my chest.

"Jennie please, just leave," I heard Liz say as the other 2 dragged me away from the scene.


"The audacity Chaeyoung," Mandy said sarcastically, raising her brow.

"Amanda please, that's not helping. We're all worried about Chu right now and it's been forever since we last saw her. We could use all the help we can get right now. Chaeyoung must have had her reasons so please, if you're not going to say anything that will help us find Chu, shut up," Bea said, completely throwing Mandy off. The latter scoffed and rolled her eyes.

"I'm not so sure about the 'all the help we can get' Beatrice knowing that this little shit is the reason we're acting like lunatics trying to find Jisoo," Mandy retorted then turn to look at me straight in the eye before continuing, "And for the record, if ever something happen to Chu, I'm holding you accountable, Chaeyoung. Just so you know, I will never forgive you," She then abruptly turned her back away from me and the other ladies. I bit my lip. I deserved it and I have no right to complain. Christine sighed.

"I know I should be seriously freaking out at you right now, Chaeyoung but I just can't. Not now at least when we're all worried about Chu. It's been more than a year since we last heard from her and we have tried for God's sake but she just vanished from the face of this planet," Christine said, eyes misting.

"I am so sorry. I don't know what else I could ever say to make you all believe how sorry I am for everything that's happened." Christine sighed again.

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