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For the past week, Chaeyoung has been fussing over me, making sure that I drink all the prescriptions religiously. Sometimes I want to roll my eyes but hell, it's been too long since I actually allowed myself to be babied like this. Sort of. I chortled internally.

"Baby, are you hungry?" Speaking of my beautiful soon to be wife.

"I'm good, babe. Are you? Please don't baby me too much now, hm?" She turned to me, eyebrows rising in a teasing manner.

"You don't want to?" she asked, glaring a little and I really laughed out loud. I stood up and went over, embracing her from behind.

"Of course not. I was just teasing. What are you preparing anyway?" I asked curiously.

"I'm trying to make that chicken from when we first met. Not too sure about this though." I chuckled and kissed her cheek gently.

After all that has happened, Chaeyoung and I had a serious talk about how we'd deal with this kind of thing in the future. I know Jennie might not ever stop with her schemes. I have no choice but to request a restraining order. She and all the people she knows cannot get near me within 300 yards. I felt a little at ease and I know my friends and Chaeyoung will never let her even catch a glimpse of me.

Chaeyoung has been overprotective ever since the incident. I've been a little embarrassed about it as well. In all honesty, I didn't know what exactly went through my mind that I did the unspeakable. I will never again do a double take to those people who have committed such a thing.

Too much hurt will eventually, at some point, get overwhelming that it clouds one's judgement. I breathe a sigh.

Things at the moment are mellow and I sincerely hope that all will be good. I just don't want to go through something like that again.


"So it's been Jennie all along?" I asked, gritting my teeth in anger. When will she stop? Chaeyoung nodded timidly, looking away. I sighed and made her look at me.

"I'm so sorry for everything. I never meant for all of it to happen. I will never forgive myself if you never made it. I love you so much, Soo. Please forgive me."

I smiled gently at that and leaned in to kiss her forehead. She closed her eyes the moment I did, sighing in contentment.

"I love you more, baby. Too much that I almost destroy myself in the process. But please don't think I'm taking it against you. It's my decision. My moment of weakness instead of fighting. But we're here now, aren't we? I'd like to think that whatever we might encounter in the future, we'll get through. Though not as intense as this. Promise me, Chaeyoung, you'll talk it out with me." Chaeyoung nodded and smiled, tears welling in her eyes.

"I promise. You're probably having second thoughts already for all I'm saying now, but I meant it. It's not only you who succumbed to a moment of weakness. Me too and I will forever regret it, Soo. I love you so much."

"I doubted myself more to be honest. But I never doubted you. At the back of my mind, I know you have your reasons and it hurts that you didn't want to talk to me about it. But we learned from that experience. We're stronger together, Chae. I'm holding on to what we have all this time. I believe that we can make it. And we did. Past is past now and we're never bringing that up again. Agreed?" Chaeyoung nodded again and locked her arms around me.

I felt complete relief the moment our bodies touched. The peace of mind is unbelievable too.

"I love you so much. I never knew what I did in my past life to deserve someone as loving, forgiving and understanding as you, Soo."

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