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"D-dad?" Jisoo asked in disbelief. She looked around, but she didn't know where she was. Everything is unfamiliar and her head is pulsating trying to remember.

"Jichu, my princess. How are you feeling?" the old man asked, smiling a little. The latter sat up from the bed.

"Why are you here, dad? Did I--?" Her voice trailed off, feeling the almost relief wash over her. Her father sat at the edge of the bed, wrapping an arm around her shoulders. Jisoo leaned against her father, feeling more tired than ever.

He looked exactly as the last time she saw him. The years seemed to stop with him.

"Ah my love, that's the question now, was it?" Jisoo looked up to her Dad, bewildered.

"What do you mean, Dad? You're here. That meant, the idiocy I did worked and I died."

"Let's say, you're on a crossroad right now, Chu. Whatever your decision will be right now won't be taken against you. And I'm actually here to accompany you. What exactly do you want to happen right now, love?" Jisoo looked ahead, sighing.

"I honestly don't know, Dad. All I know is that I'm too tired. I just--," her voice faltered before continuing, "I just want to rest."

"What about Mama? Do you think she'll be grateful knowing you left without even letting her know? And do you think this is the best time to leave when you and Jin are not on good terms? I raised both of you and it's a little disappointing that after all this time both of you chose to be against each other."

Jisoo's tears fall at that, taking a deep breath. She has forgiven her brother a long time ago. It's what her father has taught her. But being honest and trusting literally left her nowhere.

"I don't know what to do, Dad. Can you just take me with you? I really don't have a place there anymore. I'm too tired to go on."

"You know that I'd gladly take you with me, love. I just want to make sure that you're ready. I don't want you to have any regrets because in all honesty, I regret it very much that I left you, Mama and Jin too soon. I badly wished that I would get to spend more time with the 3 of you. And seeing what you have become after I left is breaking my heart."

Jisoo's tears just kept on falling. Time. It's a commodity that is very crucial to her right now. Is she really ready?

"You have always been a strong kid. So forgiving and I'm beyond proud of that but I don't want you to make the same mistakes that I did when faced with something like this, my love."

Instead of answering, Jisoo just wrapped her arm around her father. It's been too long since she felt that security in his presence. She loves her Dad so much that she's the most devastated when he died. She actually didn't show that outwardly and nobody knows until now. She wants to be with him more than anything but he's right about things. She still has unfinished business.

"I guess you're already decided, my love?" the old man asked again. Jisoo broke from the embrace gently and looked up to her Dad, smiling slightly and nodded.

"Thank you for everything, Dad. I'm deeply sorry too for doing the unacceptable." The old man ruffled her gently.

"Everybody makes mistakes, my love. But not everybody will get a second chance to set things right and I trust that you will never do something like this. I love you very much, Chu. I'm sorry too for not being able to tell you when I was still alive. Please hug Mama and Jin when you get the chance for me."

Jisoo nodded and hugged her father again.

"I will, Dad. Thank you for always being here. I love you too. Please take good care, okay? I'll see you again when the time comes." The old man nodded and leaned in to kiss her forehead. The moment he did, everything went foggy and her body felt too heavy.

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