Jaden: Being Rich

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I slip my vape back into my bag and start making my way back home. Today was definitely a long one. I met up with the boys, went over to Smoothie Spot, got some beer from Carl, and then vaped for about thirty minutes. Daniel just left so now I'm leaving too. I'm not trying to stand outside and wait to be kidnapped.

I can't believe that I went from being my mom's perfect little angel to being the rich kid who gets high. It's not like I regret it though. I enjoy every moment of it. Being rich is boring anyways. I simply just wanted to make my being rich experience more fun.

The best part is skipping school to go out and get smoothies. I normally go alone, but I felt like bringing the boys with me today. I honestly wish I hadn't. The only reason I skip school is so that I can have some time to myself.

I'm not actually best friends with these guys. They're just a few people who just so happen to be a bit like me. I decided to leave my car at home and now I actually regret doing that. I wish that I would've brought it, but if I did that then I'd probably be robbed.

I'm only a few minutes from my house though so it's alright. I take my phone out of my pocket and see that I have twenty-three missed calls from my mom. I press on her contact and turn on the speaker. My phone rings for just a second before she picks up.

"Jaden, where are you? It's almost one in the morning and you haven't been back home yet. Normally you're back by eleven so I was worried."

I can't believe she was actually worried about me. Did she expect me to be home on time?

"I'm alright, mom. I'm not hurt, and I lost track of time."

I didn't really lose track of time, but to make her feel better about my behavior I'll just say that.

"What were you doing this time, Jaden?"

"I skipped school again, went to Smoothie Spot, went over to Daniel's house, and then started walking home. Nothing extreme."

I can hear my mom sigh over the phone. I know she isn't very proud of me, but that's just how it has to be. My life was so boring, but now there are actually some exciting moments.

"The door will be unlocked."

She hangs up the phone and so I do the same. I know she's disappointed in me, but there's nothing that I can do to make her happy. It's too late now. I honestly don't want to go back. I would never go back even if someone tried to force me. It wouldn't work. The only way that I would stop all of this is if a miracle came along.

Suddenly I bump into someone. They look up at me and I'm met with bright blue eyes that are obviously full of kindness. Now that's embarrassing. How can someone be so kind in a world as cruel as this one?

"Sorry, sir. I didn't mean to bump into you."

Now I really feel sorry for him. He just called me sir.

"It's alright. You should head home. It's pretty late."

The boy nods and walks away. He doesn't seem like someone without money so he's fine. He's in this neighborhood so he must be at least a little wealthy.

I turn around. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

He stops and turns to look at me.

"Do you live around here?"

He nods and I smile. That's good. "Thanks. You can go home now."

I start walking away and then I hear the sounds of thunder. Don't tell me it's about to rain. I guess I should walk a little faster then.

I finally arrive home, and I open the door. The lights are on, and I can hear my dad watching TV. I close and lock the door behind me before heading towards the stairs. Suddenly, I'm stopped by my mom.

"Jaden, we need to talk."

I stop and turn around. "What is it?"

"I've decided that from now on I'll have someone accompany you at all times to make sure that you don't do anything reckless."

Is she being serious right now? Does she think that I'm five or something? It's not like I need a babysitter.

"I could just start coming home early."

"Yes, but then you could also be skipping school and then just come home afterwards."

I guess I can't outsmart her anymore. I have no choice but to pull this card.

"You know, recently I met someone. They're really nice."

"Jaden, this is not going to get you out of having a chaperone."

"I know, but I thought I should tell you. He's a guy and he loves to bake and cook. He also watches rom-coms and reads a lot."

"Jaden, there's no way that you'd date someone like that. Although, it would be nice if you could be friends with him. It would be a lot less lonely if I could cook with someone."

"I know it seems odd, but you know what they say. Opposites attract."

He's right about that...

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