Quinn: No Teasing

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Jaden's been in the shower for a little over fifteen minutes now. I wonder when he'll be getting out. Wait. He didn't grab his clothes. That means he'll have to change out here. No, this isn't okay. I haven't even seen all of him yet. He's seen most of my body because of everything we did last night, but I haven't seen anything. Not enough at least.

The only part of him that I have seen is his chest. That's it. Not a single part of his lower body. I can offer to bring him his clothes. That way he can change in the bathroom. Yeah, I'll just wait until I hear the water stop.

Suddenly I hear a noise coming from the bathroom. It sounds like groaning. Is Jaden okay? I hear it again, but it's slightly louder. Wait. Don't tell me he's doing what I think he is.

Oh no. No, this isn't okay. Wait. He's saying my name. I should do something on my phone. I need to distract myself from this. Why must he do something like this right now? He could've waited until I was home.

After I struggle for a while all of the moaning and groaning stop. The water runs for a few minutes after and then it comes to a stop.

I should give him some clothes now.


No response.


No response again.

I get out of the bed and make my way to the door. I knock on it.

"Jaden, do you want me to give you some clothes?"

Why isn't he responding?

I put my hand on the knob and it turns. Should I open it? No. I shouldn't. He won't respond to me though. Maybe this is exactly what he wants me to do. He wants me to open the door so he can corner me and do something. I can see right through him.

I guess I can play along if that's how he wants to be. Except I won't play this game the way he wants me to. I'll play him instead.

"Jaden, I'm coming in."

"No need. I'm alright and you don't need to bring me anything. I'm changing out there. Go sit on the bed and close your eyes. Tell me when you're done."

So, demanding. It's like he wants me to do everything he says without question.

I walk over to the bed and sit down. I close my eyes.


I hear the door open then hear footsteps. He's finally come out. I hear another door open and I assume that that's the closet door.

"You probably heard all that, didn't you?"

"If you're referring to what I think it is then yeah. I heard everything."

"Do you want to know why I couldn't keep your name out of my mouth?"

"Yes, please."

Did I just say please do him? Why?

"It's because I simply can't stop thinking about you. Everything about you is so sexy. Most of the time I'd say that you're cute, but last night I got a whole new viewpoint of you. You're so sexy."

Is he really talking about this right now? What is wrong with him? Did he hit his head or something?

"Am I really? I've never really seen myself as sexy or cute. I don't see myself as any of the things you say I am."

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