Jaden: No Regrets

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WARNING: This chapter includes some mature themes!

I wake up to a small frail body in my arms. I open my eyes and see Quinn's face. He's even cute when he's sleeping. I know I wasn't supposed to go this far, but I couldn't hold back. He was just too cute. It was almost as if he was holding back too. I had a feeling he wanted it, but now I know that he wanted it.

I watch as Quinn slowly opens his eyes and I grin at him.

"Good morning."

He looks at me.

"Good morning."

I start playing with Quinn's hair and he smiles.

"Stop. My hair's already messy."

"I know, but I like it."

I think I might actually like him. I like him so much. I know I said I only wanted to use him, but I don't think I can do that anymore. I mean, after all we did last night there's no way I can break him like that. I know I wasn't supposed to do all of that, but I have no regrets.

"Oh shit. I was supposed to go home early yesterday. My mom is probably so worried."

"Oh, why didn't you tell me? I could've had my mom drop you off instead."

"Well, I wanted to stay."

"Oh, I see."

He wanted it so bad that he didn't go home on time. So cute.

"Jaden, can I come in?"

Oh fuck. I look at Quinn and he sighs.

"Can we just tell her the truth?"

"No. Just pretend to be asleep. I will too. I never get up early anyway."

"Well, I do."

"Yeah, well she doesn't know that, and she won't find out, will she?"

He rolls his eyes before closing them. He has an attitude whenever I boss him around. It's another thing that I like about him.

I lay down and move away from Quinn so that it doesn't look like we're cuddling. My mom opens the door and after a while I hear it close. I continue to listen until I hear her walking down the stairs.

"Okay, she's gone."

Quinn opens his eyes and looks at me.

"How long are we going to keep this a secret?"

"Until I'm ready to call you, my boyfriend."

He seems a little taken back and then he smiles.

"Okay. I can wait then."

So sweet, so nice, so kind. I can't believe I'm actually doing this. I'm using him for my own benefit and he's not even aware. He's going to be so heartbroken.

I used him last night too. I just wanted to have sex with him. We weren't able to since he wasn't ready, but we still did something, so I got what I wanted.

I can't say that he isn't a perfect boyfriend, because he totally is. I just won't be able to stay with him after I'm done using him. I'll keep him happy for now, but eventually this'll all come to an end.

I scoot closer to him and kiss him on his cheek.

"You wanna know something?"


"You're so cute."

He blushes and I smile. He really is cute. That's one thing that I'll always be honest about.

"I should probably take you home, huh?"

He nods and sits up. Before I can sit up, he puts his hand on my chest and moves himself on top of me. What does he think he's doing pulling a move like this? Is he trying to make me go overboard?

"Quinn, what are you doing?"

"I just wanted to know how you'd react."

There's no way he's telling the truth. I can tell he's hiding something by the way he's grinning. He's obviously trying to get something from me.

"Well, now you have your answer. Are you happy?"

He bends down and brings his lips close to my own.

"Not yet."

He really does have a high sex drive, doesn't he? Not that I'm complaining, but it really is surprising.

"What is it that you want from me?"

"I want you. What else would I want?"

Is this the same person I slept with last night? Not too long ago he was all nervous and shy, but now this confidence just comes out of nowhere.

I move my hands to his ass, and I kiss him. If this is what he wants, then I'll gladly give it to him.

"Wait. Is it really a good idea to be doing this right now? I mean, it is the middle of the morning."

Now he's concerned with the time.

"You just got me all heated and now you want this to end?"

"Well, not that I want it to end, but it just has to."

I can't believe he can be such an ass.

"If it has to end so soon then you do know that you'll have to make up for this eventually, right?"

He bites his lip and nods. Shit. He's too cute.

"Do you want me to get off now?"

I nod and he moves off of me. I sit up and yawn. I should probably take a shower.

"Quinn, do you want to take a shower with me?"

"Um, I don't think I'm ready for that. I mean, it's not that I'm totally against it, but I'm just not ready."

He's so cute when he gets nervous.

"It's okay. You can shower when you get home, okay?"

He nods and I can tell that he's calmed down. I grab everything I need before going into the bathroom and closing the door.

I lock the door and walk over to the mirror. I'm really not that interesting to look at. Why does he like me so much? It still confuses me, but as long as I get what I want. Poor Quinn. I wish he was smarter than to fall for this. At least he'll be more careful in his future relationships.

I'm not sure how I feel about Quinn. I really like him, but I can't bring myself to date him for real since I'm just using him. He wouldn't want to stay. I'll just use him as long as I need to and then I'll let him go. I'm sorry Quinn, but I can't make my life boring by having a chaperone.

Hopefully this was an ok chapter. Now it's time for Jaden to get cleaned up while Quinn sits and contemplates his life.

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