Quinn: Being Single

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"Mom, you don't understand. The guy was asking where I lived and that's what was weird. What was weirder was that he only had on black. It was suspicious."

"Quinn, this all happened so long ago. It's the middle of the afternoon and you're just now telling me this."

"I know, but still."

I don't know why she doesn't think it's weird. I will admit that his voice didn't seem like a creepy guy's voice. It was more like the voice of the guy who wants to be the bad boy from those Netflix shows.

"You start going to private school in two days. Are you excited?"

"Not really. Private schools are normally full of some weird people."

"Then you'll fit right in."


She laughs at me, and I roll my eyes. I pick my phone up off of the table and see that more people have followed me. I guess they've figured out who I am ever since I moved to this rich neighborhood. I wish I was still a kid that no one knew. Why can't I go back to that life?

I follow them back just so that I can keep the peace. I'd rather not start a war like in most Disney movies when there are two dance teams.

"Quinn, do you want a ride to Smoothie Spot?

"No, I'll walk, but thanks for asking."

I slide my phone in my back pocket and give my mom a hug.

"I'll see you when you get back."

"Make sure you're home before dark this time."

"I will. I promise."

We stop hugging and I leave out the door. As I'm walking down the sidewalk to get to Smoothie Spot, I pass by a couple that's just happily kissing in public. Why can't that be me?

Okay, maybe I wouldn't go as far to start touching my partner in public like they are, but still. I'm tired of being single. It gets boring. I have to do everything alone and there's no one who I can talk to besides my mom.

I mean, I love my mom and all, but sometimes I want to talk about very personal things and I'd rather not talk about how hot Timothee Chalamet is and how cute Doja's looks are with my mom.

I just want someone to talk to. We could just be friends, I don't care. I just want to talk about my feelings. I've finally arrived at Smoothie Spot. I walk inside and get in line. I patiently wait until my turn.

"What can I get for you?"

"Can I get a strawberry-kiwi smoothie please?"

"Yes, of course. Would you like anything else?"

"No, thank you."

"Your total is $7.89."

I take my credit card out of my wallet and hand it to the lady. When she hands the card back to me, I put it in my wallet.

I move over to the left so that the next guy can order. I go sit down in the seat that's by the window. Window seats are and will always be the best seats.

When a woman brings my smoothie, I tell her thank you. I open my straw and stick it in my smoothie. My mom said that she got this not too long ago. Apparently, it tastes better than your typical strawberry smoothie.

I take a sip of it and suddenly I feel like I'm in a trance. It feels as if I've just been blessed, as if I've just been welcomed into heaven and I'm being held by Jesus himself.

To put it into much simpler words, the smoothie is delicious. Then all of a sudden someone sits across from me. Either this person is blind, clueless, or very confident.

"Hey, didn't I see you last night?"

I know that there could be a possibility of me knowing this guy, but I don't want to stop drinking my smoothie just to talk to him.

"Not sure."

I take another sip of my smoothie and the guy smiles at me. Well, that's weird.

"I passed by you last night. I asked if you lived in this area."

Oh. Wait! This is the creepy guy! There's no way that I'm telling him anything about me. I'm going to lie about everything. Okay, I'm ready.

"Oh, yeah. I remember you now."

"Yeah, so I wanted to ask what you were doing out so late. Normally everyone in the neighborhood would be asleep by then. I know because I'm familiar with everyone in the neighborhood."

"Oh, well, you see, I was doing some schoolwork at the uh...the library. I lost track of time and since the library was far from my house it took a while to get back home."

I completely forgot that I'm a terrible liar.

"Sure. So, when did you move down here?"

"About two months ago."

Wait! Why am I not lying! Stop it!

"What school are you going to this year?"

"I'm starting at Oakwood High as a senior."

Why can't I stop! Oh my gosh!

"Cool, I go there too. Maybe we can be friends, that is if you're interested."

Why does he sound like he's planning to do something? I'll trust him for now, but if he makes even one wrong move then it's over. He might be the one who I can talk to about Timothee Chalamet. He can either be my friend or my boyfriend. Which will it be?

"I'm very interested in becoming your friend. What's your name by the way?"

"I'm Jaden. What's yours?"

"I'm Quinn."

His name is Jaden. I've never met someone named Jaden. I've met Aidens, Braden's, Brandon's, Hayden's, and Braylen's, but I've never met a guy named Jaden. I wonder what Jaden's act like?

Have you ever met a Jaden or maybe a Layden???

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