Jaden: You Matter To Me

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Two hours. Believe it or not, that's how long Quinn and I experimented with his body. All of the sounds he made and the facial expressions he'd make. Fuck. It was like heaven. He was so sexy and now he's cute again. Just sitting here after he just shot his cum in my mouth not too long ago.

"Quinn, why didn't you tell me that you kept toys like this?"

"I was scared that you'd shame me for it."

"Ah, I see. I wouldn't do that. In fact, I praised you for it and you got to experience so much pleasure. I wish you would've told me."

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Come here."

Quinn crawls over to me from the other end of the bed and sits on my lap. I kiss his forehead and smile.

"I can't believe you can go from being so sexy to being adorable and cute."

What I really can't believe is the shit coming out of my mouth. I have to remember that Quinn is just my toy. He's my excuse to stay out late at night. Honestly, I like spending time with him more than I like vaping, but I haven't vaped since that day. You've fucked with my head, Quinn.

Suddenly we hear knocking on the door downstairs.

"Were you expecting anyone today?"


Who's here?

"Get dressed. If they're at your house, then they're either looking for you or your mom."

Quinn gets off of my lap and starts to get dressed quickly. I stand up and fix his hair since it's a bit messy.

"I'll be down there in a second. Go ahead."

Quinn smiles and leaves his room to go answer the door downstairs. He's so cute. Fuck. I hate this fake relationship shit. It feels too real. If I really wanted to do a fake relationship then I should've just asked someone if they'd play along with it, but that could've ended up turning into a real relationship too. Just like in that book Quinn made me read. Yeah, I went home and read it online.

I can't believe that this man made me read. Shit. Quinn, what the fuck have you done to me? I guess I should get dressed. Once I finish putting on my clothes, I start making my way down the stairs. Once I get down there, I see Quinn talking to a man with brown hair.

"She isn't here right now. Who are you anyways? She didn't tell me that anyone would be stopping by."

So, Quin doesn't know who that guy is. Weird. I'll stay out of view for now. If anything happens then I'll step in.

"Are you Quinn?"

"Well, yes, of course. If you didn't know that much then there's no way you know my mom personally. She brags about me to everyone. Even people who she's known for only two minutes."

"Trust me, I know Lin very well."

"How do you know her nickname? That's not something that she just goes around telling people. She's only ever told me and my aunt because it makes her think of the person...who gave her the nickname."

The more Quinn spoke, the slower the words came out of his mouth. Has he just realized something? Should I step in now or just stay back?

"Are you my–are you, my father?"

I can hear a straining in Quinn's voice. Is he on the verge of crying? And did he say that this man is his father?

"Yes. I am."

Wow. If I stepped in now, I'd feel like shit. I should just stay back for the whole time.

"Did you–did you think that you could just come in here uninvited and expect mom to be here and welcome you with open arms?"

Quinn's yelling at the man. His voice is full of anger and sorrow. I know that tone of voice. I've felt it before. A long time back, actually.

"Did you think that you would be welcomed back into the family without a second thought? You left mom and me! We struggled for so long! She had to work day and night just to put food on the table and to provide me with everything I needed! She worked her ass off just to keep us going and now you want to barge in and enjoy the high life with us! Who the fuck do you think you are?!"

Damn. I never knew Quinn could get so mad.

"I'm sorry, okay. I know that what I did was wrong and that I shouldn't have left you guys. I wish that I could go back in time and tell myself that I would regret it. Please, Quinn you must—"

"Don't you say my fucking name. Don't even apologize. Get out. Just get the fuck out!"

The man leaves and Quinn shuts the door before sliding down onto the floor and crying. I guess this is where I interfere.


I walk over to Quinn and sit next to him. I put my arm around him and he lays his head on my shoulder. I let him cry into my shoulder for what seemed like hours, but really it was only about fifteen minutes or so.



"Why do you choose to stay? Why are you still here with me? We haven't known each other for very long, so why do you choose to stay by my side?"

"Well, I'm not sure. It would be pretty shitty of me to leave at a time like this, wouldn't it?"

"I guess you're right, but there has to be an actual reason, right? You seem like someone who I've known for years. I don't know why, but whenever you come close to me I start to get this weird feeling in my stomach and chest. It's like something's aching."

I felt that way for someone once. It was so painful. Now I hate them and will always despise them.

"I know exactly how you feel. I felt that way for someone once."


"Yes. They seemed like the kindest person in the world, but eventually a person's true colors show."

I can feel tears in my eyes, but I shouldn't be wasting my time crying over them. I did that for more than a year already. I don't have more time to waste.

"Jaden, I think, I think I like you. I like you a lot."

"Well, it would be weird if you didn't like me since we've been sexual towards each other."

"I guess you're right, but there's no other word I can use. I just feel really strongly about you."



"I know why I chose to stay with you now."


This is hard for me to admit and hard to say. This was not the original plan or idea, but it's how I feel. I lift Quinn's head off of my shoulder and I look him in his eyes before giving him one of those sad yet happy smiles.

"It's because..."

This could either be the end of me or bring something new and better into my life. Quinn, we're about to go on a crazy adventure together.

"You matter to me."

For a while we continue to stare into each other's eyes until eventually I kiss him. Not just any one of our kisses either. This kiss was different. It felt different and the way Quinn reacted to it was different. I think I might actually be falling for someone again, but this time it might actually work out.


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