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"Hello everyone! Once again it's a B-Komavhi weekly upload but this time we've got special guests! Hey come in the camera!"

Right now the boy band was in the kitchen area of B-Komachi's studio. Ruby started to film so it was time. I went first in frame of the camera and dragged the two white haired boys with me.

"Yo! I'm Kanaf from the boy band 3-Breeze and I brought Yoshida and Mushiki with me to hang out. Hey you two get on the camera."

After showing myself I got the other two to give an introduction.

"So Hoshino, any idea what we'll be doing?"

"Hm... well we were gonna play a bunch of games and talk over the gameplay!"

"Oooh! Hey do you have that one game we talked about—"

"As if we can do that you idiot!"
"Are you out of your mind Ruby!"

Yoshida yelled me while Arima yelled at Ruby. This part was scripted for comedy and to take viewers engaged. We obviously couldn't do that without copyright issues coming into play at some point.

"So mean... then what'll we even do?"
"Yeah Senpai that was really mean..."

Ruby and I suddenly tried to guilt Arima while Yoshida got what we will actually be doing.

"We'll be cooking in teams. I mean I don't know about the rest of you but I'm hungry. Plus Kanaf you're too good a cook to not monopolize you."

Yoshida pulled out two pans and held them in the air before setting them on a table.


"You can cook Kazuki? That's kind of surprising, you seem like the type to lock himself in his room and work on music without rest."


Yoshida couldn't help but start laughing since she was spot on. Hell even Arima was giggling at my face.

"Alright that's it Yoshida you're not on my team anymore."

"Eh?! But I don't want to lose!"

"Too bad."

Yoshida slumped his shoulders admitting his defeat before he even started.

"You know Senpai, these two are kind of funny when you watch them."

"I was thinking the same thing Ruby."

After a bit more banter we split into teams with three judges on the side. While we entered the side kitchen with two areas for cooking.

"Counting on you Hoshino!"

"Yeah let's go for the win!"

Ruby and I were on a team.

"I just hope we get a single vote..."

"Come on Katsumi you can't be that terrible at cooking."

Arima and Yoshida on the other team.

Meanwhile Aqua, Mushiki and Mem-Cho were the judges.

"So Hoshino, what do you wanna cook? I'm fine with whatever since we'll obviously win."

"Hmm... Omurice would be good I think. But I want to help too."

"Then how about you wash the rice while I make the omelettes. Depending on how much time we have left we can make sides."

Ruby smiled and nodded walking away to prepare the rice. Meanwhile I prepared omelettes, enough for everyone to eat. Partially since I'm sure the other team will only have some form of charcoal. With the time limit of an hour it should be possible.

After awhile on the stove I had finished all the omelettes and began to plate them on an extra dish.

"Hey Kazuki, I thought we only needed to make three. How come you made so many?" Hoshino asked me once she finished her rice and we could begin to plate our dishes.

"Well I mean even if we're in a competition there's no reason we can't share right? Plus look at them." I pointed my thumb back at the other team who made a mess and barely made anything.

Ruby giggled slightly until she smiled.

"Yeah I guess you're right. Let's plate these yeah?"

I nodded and gently placed the omelettes on top of the rice piles and cut them open. While also ignoring a strong look coming from the direction of a brother.

Shortly after we were out of time and we won unanimously shortly after the filming ended and we acted freely without cameras.

"This is really good Kanaf. I guess Yoshida wasn't exaggerating when he said you could cook." Ruby munched on her meal and complimented me.

"You think so? I think I still have a lot of room to improve but thanks."

Yoshida slapped me on the back.

"Learn to just take a compliment you tsundere."

"But he wasn't being a tsundere this time atleast Yoshida." Mushiki ingeniously chose to say.

"Ah that's true."

"Would you two shut up...!" I suddenly felt an urge to take away their food.

"Hey Kazuki, how long did it take for you to learn how to cook?"

"Hm? Well part of it goes with how motivated you are but I picked it up decently after a month. I definitely sucked then but it was edible much better than what these two could make." I responded to Arima who began to ponder my answer.

"It was too edible."

"Frozen meals don't count Shiki."

"You ate it didn't you? So it was edible."

"Then I guess you can make your own meals from now on then. Be sure to pay for your own cheap meals everyday."

"Is it too late to apologize..." Mushiki's dull tone was broken for once after I said that. Victory once again.

Everyone laughed for a moment until we began to talk amongst each other for awhile until it was time to leave.

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