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Chan's eyes flew open, disoriented for a second, almost panicking, feeling a weight on his chest. He looked down, calming down when he realized Changbin was laying on him still. He reached over grabbing his phone to look at the time. He sighed, it was only one a.m. he had been only asleep for two hours. He put his phone down rubbing his eyes. He was feeling the weight of not sleeping the last few nights. He was pretty stressed about the upcoming comeback for their new group, but he didn't want the others to worry. He laid there staring at the ceiling, debating on if he wanted to get up and work or lay there until he fell back asleep. He decided to lay there, he picked up his phone back up and decided to scroll through instagram. He moved his arm that was underneath Changbin to hug the younger into him more and rubbed his back gently. Changbin snuggled more into the older, making Chan look down at him and smiled.

Chan looked back up at his phone scrolling through all the new posts he had missed the last few days. He didn't get on social media too often and wanted to see what everyone else was up to. Before he knew it an hour had passed, he sighed, putting his phone down and rubbing his eyes again. I am not going back to sleep am I? He asked himself. He decided to get up and try and get some work done.

Chan gently slid his arm out from under the younger, putting his pillow in his place. He watched the younger snuggle into the pillow and he smiled to himself. He is too cute, Chan thought to himself. He leaned over kissing Changbin on the head and Changbin mumbled in his sleep. Chan sat there for a few minutes just watching Changbin sleep, before he decided to get up. He tiptoed his way to the dining room table, quietly grabbing his laptop and headphones. Chan sat down and put his headphones in, glancing at the time on his laptop, sighing again.

Changbin woke up, shivering. The warmth he felt during his sleep was gone and the cold woke him up. Disoriented, he reached out to where Chan was supposed to be and felt an empty bed. He opened his eyes and realized the older was not next to him. He sat up, rubbing his eyes trying to wake up more. He glanced around the small space and saw Chan sitting at the dining room table with his headphones on and his laptop out. He could faintly hear the music coming out of the older's headphones.

Changbin grabbed his phone and checked the time. It was already four am, Changbin sighed. He pulled the covers down and climbed out of the bed and walked over to the older. How long has he been up? Changbin thought to himself worried. He knew that Chan had an issue sleeping, it was quite bad during their Stray Kids days and he didn't want the older to overexert himself. They were supposed to be on vacation after all.

Changbin reached the older, looking over his shoulder to see what he was working on. Chan was so wrapped up in the song he didn't notice Changbin was behind him. Changbin reached out and gently tapped Chan on the back, making the older jump.

"Shit," Chan said, pulling his headphones off and looking back at the younger. "You scared me. What are you doing up?" Chan asked, glancing at the time on this phone.

Changbin crossed his arms, "I could be asking you the same thing hyung."

Chan blushed and realized he got called out. "I just couldn't sleep, so I figured I could try and get some work done."

"We are supposed to be on vacation. Remember the one you convinced me we should take." Changbin said, still had his arms crossed.

Chan pulled the younger in by his waist, and wrapped his arms around him. "You are right, I promise no more work," Chan said, looking up at the younger with puppy eyes.

Changbin blushed and laughed, "fine fine, can we go back to bed now?" Changbin wrapped his arms around Chan's upper back, hugging the older into himself.

Chan leaned back nodding his head, "Let me just finish this one thing."

Changbin looked at the older with skepticism. Now he knows that he could get wrapped into that one thing for several more hours, Changbin thought.

"Fine then I will sit here and wait for you," Changbin said, yawning and moving out of the older's arms to sit across from him.

"No never mind, let's go to bed," Chan said, feeling bad that the younger even woke up in the first place.

"You sure?" Changbing asked.

"Yes, let's go to bed," Chan said, grabbing the youngers hand and leading him back to bed. "Plus we have a jammed pack day tomorrow."

"Oh?" Changbin asked, they both got in bed and pulled the covers over them. Changbin immediately cuddled into the older. He tangled their legs together and laid down on the older's chest.

Chan smiled and teased, "Comfortable are we?"

Changbin blushed and looked up at the older, biting his lip, "You make me comfortable."

Chan leaned down to kiss the younger, "Good, I wouldn't have it any other way."
I am really loving all these soft chapters. Is it just me?

905 words

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