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"So is that a yes hyung?" Hyunjin asked, grinning from ear to ear.

Changbin blushed a deep shade of red, and shook his head no. "Do we have to talk about this?"

"I mean we don't have to, but it's just me. You know I don't judge."

Changbin couldn't look at the younger, "w-we haven't had sex yet, but we've done other things."

Hyunjin squealed, "tell me everything!"

"Jinnie," Changbin whined, feeling embarrassed to talk about this, especially out in public. Though he was also curious and had questions. Changbin sighed, "this is embarrassing, I don't have any experience, and Chan hyung is so experienced."

"There is nothing wrong with being inexperienced, hyung. I know for a fact that Chan hyung does not care about that."

"I know he has said that, but I just want to make sure that he is umm...enjoying himself," Changbin said, his cheeks growing a dark shade of red.

Hyunjin nodded his head, understanding where the older was coming from. "I am sure he would tell you if something was wrong, but he is definitely a pleaser. So as long as you feel good that's all that matters."

"I picked up on that."

"Soo how was he? How far did you guys get?"

Changbin covered his face with his hands, wanting to die. He was so embarrassed to talk about this, especially to Hyunjin. From behind his hand he said, "we've given each other blow jobs, and h-he licked...back there."

"He ate your ass!" Hyunjin practically screamed.

"Jinnie! Shut up!" Changbin practically yelled back, tiny punching the younger. He looked around making sure no one had heard the younger. Thankfully they were the only ones outside.

Hyunjin was laughing, amused with the older's reactions. "So did you like it?"

Before he could answer Chan was calling him. "Hello?."

"Hi Binnie. I finally finished with the choreographer. Sorry it took longer than we expected. Where are you?"

"It's okay. You don't have to apologize. I am actually at the coffee shop up the street with Jinnie."

Chan clenched his jaw, a bit of jealousy running through him. "Oh. We can talk later then."

"We aren't doing anything. You don't want to meet me and we can talk...?"

"You seem busy. I don't want to bother."

Changbin could sense something was still off. "Channie...can we please talk?

Chan softened, he honestly could never be mad long at the younger. "Okay baby, I will meet you over there in a few minutes."

"Okay, I will see you soon," Changbin said, hanging up the phone. He turned his attention back to Hyunjin. "He's walking over here and should be here soon."

Hyunjin nodded his head, "I hope your talk goes well. Just be honest with him and you and I both know he will forgive you."

"Thanks Jinnie. Thank you again for coming out and talking to me."

"Of course hyung. I am here whenever you need me. Before he gets here anything you wanna ask me?" Hyunjin asked, wiggling his eyebrows again.

Changbin thought about it. He had lots of questions, but was way too embarrassed to ask them. "Just one..."

Hyunjin grinned, "Let's hear it in then hyung."

I'm going to regret this, Changbin thought. "He-he called me a good boy a-and..."

"Holy shit. You have a praise kink!"

"Shhh. Shut up Jinnie." Changbin ushered trying to cover the younger's mouth before someone heard him.

Chan was rounding the corner when he heard Hyunjin shouting. He raised and eyebrow curious that they were talking about this so openly. He knew Changbin had a praise kink. He realized it after watching Changbin's subtle reactions to the praises he gave the last few times they were intimate.

Hyunjin was still teasing Changbin when Chan walked up to the table behind them.

"What are you two talking about?"

Changbin's ears were bright red. He hoped that Chan didn't hear there conversation and he stuttered out, "no-nothing."

Hyunjin held back a chuckle. "Hello Chan hyung. I was actually just leaving." He turned back towards Changbin giving the older a hug. " Let me know if you need anything." He whispered, "just remember, be honest. Don't forget you're his good boy you can't displease him."

Hyunjin pulled away just in time to dodge Changbin's punch. He laughed and waved goodbye to Chan. Amused the oldest sat down in Hyunjin's seat.

"Care to share what he said to make you react like that?"

Changbin shook his head too embarrassed to even repeat the words said to him. He had his hands over his face trying to hide.

"Well you can tell me when you're ready." Chan said moving to gentle move Changbin's hand away from his face. "Hi baby."

Changbin glanced up at him and nervously bit his lip. "Hi."


Sooo how do we think the talks going to go? Surely everything will be fine! Right?

805 words

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