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"L-leave?" Chan said, staring at the younger. "What do you mean?"

"Clearly y-you don't trust me. So I think I should go home."

"I do trust you," Chan said, moving to hold the younger's hand.

Changbin stepped back, finally looking up at the older in the eyes. "Do you? Is this how you treat someone you trust?"

Chan opened his mouth to say something, but the words just wouldn't come out. He's not wrong. I blew this out of proportion and caused us to fight for no reason, he thought.

"I-I am sorry. I jumped to conclusions and overreacted. I...I didn't mean to hurt you," Chan said, stepping closer to the younger again.

Changbin put his hand up. Stopping Chan from moving closer. "I need some time. I'll see you in the office."

"W-wait please don't go," Chan said. His eyes watering again. I really fucked up, he thought.

"P-please don't make this harder than it already is," Changbin said, tears rolling down his cheeks. "W-we can talk later. I think we need to both cool off."

Chan couldn't argue with that. He felt like his heart was breaking watching the younger get dressed and leave. Fuck! Why did it have to turn out like this, he thought.

He sat down. Not sure where this left them. He picked up his phone calling Lee Know. The phone kept ringing and he was worried the younger wouldn't answer.


Chan started sobbing. The emotions of everything that happened came pouring out of him

"Just breathe hyung. Whatever it is. It will be okay," Lee Know said, trying to calm the older. Damn, I guess things didn't go as well as me and Jisung hoped it would, he thought.

Chan finally calmed down enough to explain what happened to the younger. He went through everything that had happened. Wincing at how bad it sounded. "What should I do? Can you talked to Changbin?"

Lee Know took a second to think about what to say. "Maybe...maybe we should give him some time. You could talk to him after your meeting with the board? It will give you both time to process."

Chan knew the younger was right, "Okay, I am sorry to call you."

"Chan hyung, you don't have to apologize. I am happy to be here for you. I can come to the company with Han if you want?"

Chan bit his lip, he didn't want to inconvenience the younger. "You don't have to."

"It's fine. I will see you there and we can talk some more okay?"

"Okay," Chan said quietly. "Thank you.'

"Don't worry about it hyung. I will see you later."

With that they hung up and Chan stayed on the couch just staring off into space. He felt so emotionally drained and didn't look forward to the day ahead let alone the board meeting. Before he knew it his alarm was going off alerting him that he needed to get ready for work. He pushed his body off the couch and made his way to the bathroom.

Chan stopped and looked in the mirror. You look as awful as you feel, he thought. He pulled off what little clothes he did have on and stepped into the warm water. He let the warmth surround him and his thoughts wandered again to everything that happened earlier and his eyes started to water again. Damn it, he thought. He slammed his fist against the wall feeling the tears run down his face with the water. I really fucked up. How am I going to fix this?

Chan finished showering and got dressed, leaving immediately for the office, hoping to catch Changbin and talk to the younger. He rushed to the office, feeling the anxiety rise as he got closer. He finally parked and took a deep breath before heading inside. He looked around to see if he saw Changbin's bike or Lee Know's car. Wait, isn't that Hyunjin's car? What is he doing here? He thought. He made his way up to their office and saw that someone was inside. Changbin, he thought.

Chan rushed to open the door, "Cha...Oh, Hyunjin. What are you doing here?"

Hyunjin ignored the older. He was there to grab things for Changbin. Whatever the older would need to work for the next few days. Changbin had called him hysterical earlier that morning. He tried to calm the older down and had to wake Felix out of desperation since it didn't seem like Changbin was hearing him. They quickly found the older and brought Changbin back to their house where the older tried to explain what happened. It was hard to understand through Changbin's sobs. It broke his heart to see his hyung like that.

Chan watched Hyunjin going through Changbin's desk, dread overcoming him. "W-where is Changbin?" He said, trying not to cry again.

Hyunjin finally looked at Chan. His heart dropped seeing the pain on the older's face. "He needs space right now Chan hyung."

"I-I just need to apologize to him," Chan whispered. "I-I can't lose him."

Hyunjin walked over, watching the tears fall down the older's face. He wrapped his arms around Chan, letting his hyung sob onto his shoulder. "Shh it's okay Chan hyung. It will be okay."

The two of them hugged until Chan calmed down. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to react like that." He wiped his tears, feeling embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it Chan hyung,"Hyunjin said, giving the older a small smile.

"I-Is Changbin here?"

"Felix is dropping him off before the boarding meeting."

Chan nodded, "I just need to apologize. I didn't mean for things to end up the way they did."

Hyunjin hesitated, "He...he might now want to see you right now. If that is the case, just give him some time. He will come around when he's ready."

Before Chan could say anything Han popped in, "Hey Chan hyung. The board is ready for us."

Chan nodded. He followed Han into the boardroom and looked around for Changbin. He didn't see the younger and grabbed the first seat he saw. Han sat down across from him and he was going to ask the younger where Changbin was when the doors opened.

Chan turned towards the door seeing Changbin walk in. The younger made a point not to look at him and sat down next to Han. His heart ached seeing how Changbin was ignoring him. He kept staring at Changbin to try and catch his attention, but the younger refused to look at him.

"Let's begin."

1107 words

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