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Changbin ended up dropping off Chan later in the evening so the older could catch the last flight. He smiled at how pouty Chan had gotten when it was time for Chan to leave. He assured the older again that he and Han would be fine for the next few days and with some quick kisses the older finally boarded. He decided to go back to his place even though Chan insisted it was fine for him to stay at the older's house, but he needed to go home anyways. He sighed entering his quiet apartment. He already missed the older, but he pushed the feeling down and got ready for bed.

Changbin's alarm went off, making him groan. He rubbed his eyes feeling the sleepless night affecting him. He grabbed his phone, turning the alarm off and saw he had a message from Chan. He smiled seeing it was a voice message and he clicked it.

"Hey baby. I know you're probably asleep but I wanted to let you know I just landed. I miss you so much already! I hope you're getting some good sleep. I will call you in the morning. I love you."

Changbin smiled, the older definitely knew how to make his day. He decided to skip the gym and try to get another hour of sleep. He turned another alarm on and rolled over and closed his eyes, willing sleep to come.

Chan woke up and grabbed his phone seeing that it was already nine a.m. Changbin should be up. He usually goes to the gym in the morning. I'll catch him before he goes into the office, he thought. He started calling the younger's number and it rang a few times before Changbin finally picked up.

"Hello?" Changbin answered, still trying to wake up.

"Hey baby! Are you still in bed?"

Changbin moved around to sit up before answering the older. "Hey Channie. Yeah I am"

"Oh I didn't mean to wake you. It's seven there so I figured you would be at the gym."

"Oh umm I decided not to go this morning," Changbin mumbled.

"Oh, are you okay?" Chan asked worriedly.

Changbin blushed, feeling embarrassed. "I-I just couldn't sleep is all. It's nothing."

"I'm sorry you didn't sleep well baby."

"It's okay. Was your flight okay?" Changbin asked, trying to change the subject. He didn't want to admit that he didn't sleep well because the older wasn't with him. In the short period they have been together he had gotten used to sleeping next to the older. His warmth engulfed him, making it easy for him to sleep.

"Yeah, it wasn't too bad. I got here pretty late. Hannah picked me up and snuck me into the house. So I haven't seen anyone else yet."

"I bet they will be excited when they do. I'm sure your mom will be so surprised," Changbin said. His phone started going off. The second alarm he set was going off. He groaned, willing himself to get out of bed.

"I'll let you go so you can get ready baby. I'll talk to you later okay?"

"Okay sounds good."

"I love you."

Changbin blushed, hearing the older say that still gave him butterflies. "I love you."

They hung up and Changbin started getting ready to head into the office. He decided to take the train to work today. His body was still feeling sore and he was just too exhausted to want to bike. As soon as he made it into the company he was busy. He didn't have a lot of time to check his phone, missing messages from Chan.

"Alright guys, let's do it one more time," Changbin said into the intercom. Directing their new group as they recorded their first album. Him and Han had been working with the group for the last few hours to record. He rubbed his eyes ready to get back in bed and sleep until the next day.

"You okay?" Han asked.

Changbin looked over at the younger. Not realizing he was being watched. "Yeah, I just didn't sleep well last night?"

"You miss him?" Han asked quietly.

Changbin blushed and mumbled, "that obvious?"

"Only to me, but I have known you for a long time. He'll be back soon. It's only a few days."

Changbin nodded, turning back to the intecom. "That was great guys. We can be done for tonight. We'll let Channi...I-I mean Chan hyung listen and give feedback and go from there." He was bright red almost letting his nickname for the older slip out. He wanted to crawl into a hole. No one seemed to notice, but Han. The group thanked them and everyone cleared out leaving the two older men.

Han started laughing and Changbin turned to him and tiny punched him. "We are not talking about what just happened," Changbin said.

"I wasn't going to say anything," Han said, throwing his hands up in defeat but grinned widely.

"Yeah, Yeah. Whatever," Changbin said, rolling his eyes. He finally looked down at his phone and saw he had several messages from the older and decided to wait until he they finished up in the recording studio before reading them. He and Han finished a few more things before calling it a night.

Changbin stepped into his apartment, happy to be home. He had read all of Chan's messages on the train ride home and replied back to the older. He glanced down at his phone still not seeing a reply from Chan. He must be with his family. I'll just text him later, he thought. He made himself a small dinner and watered his forgotten plants. Periodically checking his phone just in case he missed a reply from the older. I miss him, he thought. It was late and he finally decided he should shower and get ready for bed. Still no reply from him. I guess I will talk to him tomorrow then, he thought, getting in bed.

just a nice soft filler chapter for you. 🥰
1008 words

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