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Chan had cleaned up the younger and himself. He was currently cuddling Changbin as he slept. He watched as the younger's chest raised and fell with each breath. He moved his hand up to run his hand through Changbin's hair, feeling the soft curls between his fingers. How did I get so lucky, he thought. He turned his body and cuddled more into the younger and fell asleep.

Changbin woke up in the middle of the night, feeling overly warm and very thirsty. He blinked a few times trying to get used to the darkness that surrounded them. He realized he was completely engulfed in the older's arms and he wondered how he was going to move without waking the older up. He wiggled a bit and Chan started to stir and he stopped moving. The older squeezed him tighter and he internally groaned. How am I supposed to get out now? He thought.

Changbin gazed over at the older, taking in his features. It wasn't too often that he got to just look at this older like this and he was in awe of Chan's good looks. His eyes gazed over the older's subtle freckles and down to his lips. His lips are so soft and full, he thought. He thought back from earlier when those lips were all over his body and he blushed, and squirmed a bit, feeling his dick get aroused.

Chan blinked his eyes open and loosened his grip on the younger. He rubbed his eyes wondering what the time was. "Are you okay?" He asked, his voice rough from sleep.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you."

Chan looked down at the younger, who was staring up at him. He shifted forward, kissing Changbin on the forehead, "It's okay baby. What are you doing awake?"

"I-I was thirsty and wanted to get water, but I didn't want to wake you."

Chan nodded, and moved to get out of bed, "I will go get you some."

Changbin moved after him, grabbing his wrist, "I can get it. You stay in bed and go back to sleep."

Chan turned to face him, "I doubt you can walk baby. I will be right back."

Chan patted Changbin's head leaving him with his cheeks burning and mouth open from shock. He watched the older walk away and turned on the side lamp before finally laying back against the headboard pouting.

As quickly as Chan left he came back. He noticed the younger pouting and chuckled."What are you pouting for baby?"

"I can walk just fine!" Changbin exclaimed, crossing his arms.

Chan raised an eyebrow, "oh really? Do you wanna wager a bet on that?"

Changbin covered his face in embarrassment. "Why are we evening talking about this?" He whined.

Chan grinned, moving to sit down next to the younger, giving him the glass of water. He leaned in and kissed him on the cheek and said, "Because it's fun to tease you." He leaned and closer to whisper in the younger's ear, "we could change that and I can fuck you until you can't walk anymore."

Changbin spit up the water he was drinking and turned to tiny punch Chan. "C-chan!" He exclaimed, turning bright red.

"I'm just saying baby," Chan said laughing and shrugged. He sat back down on the bed watching the younger being embarrassed. "Okay, okay I'm done teasing you for now. Drink your water."

Changbin turned and pouted at him, but drank the water without any other incident. He could feel Chan's eyes on him, making his cheeks still burn red. "We should go back to bed. We have work in the morning."

Chan picked up his phone and saw that it read two a.m and groaned. "It is very late." He put his phone down and grabbed the empty glass from the younger's hands and pulled Changbin into an embrace. "How about we skip work tomorrow?"

"We can't do that! We have a lot to do."

"It's just one day and Jisung can take care of things for the time being," Chan said, pouting at the younger.

"Don't give me those puppy dog eyes," Changbin said giggling. "Why do you even want to stay home tomorrow?"

Chan buried his face into the younger's neck, breathing him in before answering. "I think your body just needs a day of rest."

"B-but I feel fine," Changbin exclaimed.

"How about we change that?" Chan asked, moving his hands down the younger's body. His lips moved closer to Changbin's neck giving him soft kisses.

Changbin whimpered, feeling the arousal he felt not too long ago flair back up. He gripped at the older's muscular arms. "Ungh Ch-Channie." Chan was sucking on the sensitive skin around his collarbones, and his hands were gently teasing his nipples.

Chan pulled away, "Let me make you feel good baby. I wanna make love to you."

Who was Changbin to argue with the older? He crashed their lips together, giving into Chan's advances and letting the lust take over.



837 words

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