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"Okay stay here. When I tell you to open your eyes open them okay?" Chan said, letting go of the younger's hand and slowly walking away.

"W-wait where are you going," Changbin asked, failing his arm around to try and feel for Chan.

"You're okay, I promise. Just stay there. I am not going far. See you can still hear my voice." Chan said.

Changbin could tell Chan wasn't next to him anymore but wasn't that far away either and he calmed down some. He took a deep breathe waiting for instructions from Chan.

"Okay babe, you can open your eyes," Chan said.

Changbin slowly opened his eyes and they widened. Chan was standing in front of what looked like a beach picnic. There was a soft looking blanket on the ground with pillows laying around it and a small table with beautiful flowers scattered everywhere. Changbin glanced back up at Chan, who was smiling widely, and he started smiling as well.

"You planned all of this?" Changbin asked, still shocked. He walked up to the older, who had opened his arms.

"Of course baby. Anything for you." Chan said, finally embracing the younger and leaned in and gave him a forehead kiss.

"This is amazing Channie," Changbin said, still in awe.

"I am really glad you like it," Chan said. The two hugged for a minute longer. "Let's sit down and eat. I am sure you are hungry."

They both sat down and Changbin was still looking around at everything. He always goes all out, Changbin thought. They both started snacking on the cheese and crackers that was provided.

"Are you feeling okay," Chan asked, watching the younger snacking.

Changbin took a deep breath, "I am doing better. We've just never experienced blant hate like that and it just caught me off guard."

Chan reached over and gently caressed Changbin's hand. "I am sorry that it happened."

"It's not your fault Channie," Changbin said, looking up at Chan. He could tell how sorry the older felt, and didn't want him to worry anymore. "I am okay, really. Let's just enjoy the rest of the day."

Chan watched the younger for a minute before nodding, "Okay let's enjoy the rest of the day."

They both snacked and talked and decided to stay and watch the sunset together. There was another blanket laying on the side and Chan grabbed it, wrapping it around him and Changbin. The light breeze from the ocean and the sound of the ocean waves crashing could be heard. Chan glanced over at Changbin, watching him watch the waves. Changbin noticed the older looking at him and looked over at him.

"Why do you keep staring at me?" Changbin asked, a light blush across his cheeks.

"You are just so beautiful," Chan said, causing the younger to get all shy and embarrassed.

Changbin started chewing on his bottom lip, and Chan reached over, pulling his lip from between his teeth. "What did I tell you about biting your lips," Chan said, leaning in close to Changbin.

Changbin's breath caught in his throat from how close Chan got. Changbin glanced down at Chan's lips wanting to feel them on him. His lips are so soft and plump. They feel so good, Changbin thought. He glanced back up, staring into Chan's eyes, watching them fill with lust. Changbin gulped, he didn't move, unsure of what to do.

Chan leaned in closer, their lips almost touching. Chan stopped right before their lips touched, "What do you want?"

Changbin's mind started racing, his heart beating faster in his chest. He was turned on and wanted Chan. "Y-you," Changbin said, before licking his lips.

Chan growled and sneaked his hand around Changbin's head pulling him in closer. Their lips crashed together and Changbin melted into the kiss. Chan pulled the younger onto his lap making Changbin moan into their kiss. Chan's hands traveled down Changbin's body, making the younger shiver and goosebumps formed on his arms.

Chan deepened their kiss and pulled the younger even closer. Changbin moaned, feeling how hard Chan was underneath him. Chan's hands roamed further down, feeling Chanbin's ass. The younger slightly stiffened, but relaxed when Chan stopped moving his hand.

Chan pulled back from the kiss, "You okay?"

Changbin was breathless, "Y-yes."

"Let's continue this at home?" Chan asked, observing the younger.

Changbin nodded his head and moved to get off of Chan. "We don't have to if you aren't comfortable," Chan said, stopping the younger.

"No, I want too," Changbin said, leaning down to once again connect their lips.

Changbin gave Chan a few pecks and then moved to get up so they could leave. Chan quickly followed and got up, interlacing their hand they started walking back to the car.

"What about the picnic?" Changbin asked, glancing back at the items left.

"Don't worry, the company who set it up will come get it," Chan said, pulling their hands to his face. Chan left a kiss on Changbin's hand, making Changbin blush.

They walked back to the car quickly ready to get back to the cottage to finish what they started.
Oh shit, things are about to get spicy up in here 🙈
859 words

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