[ANGST] ~ [The Lies Among Us: Kazuichi x Reader]

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⚠️ Blood/Violence, swearing, minor sexual content ⚠️

[Mafia AU]

~ (Y/N)'s POV ~

The sun rises and seeps through the curtains of your bedroom, awaking you from slumber as your eyes flutter open.You sit up and yawn, stretching out your body before looking down to your fiancé beside you. You smile and run a hand through his pink hair before kissing his forehead. Getting out of bed, you strip yourself of your nightclothes and head to the bathroom to shower. Once your shower is completed, you dry your long, blonde hair and pull it back into a bun before putting on a long, black skirt and a white with (f/c) accent polo shirt before heading off to work. Getting in the car you let out a long sigh as you look down to your stomach, placing a hand on top of it. You've been feeling sick as of recently and have also been extremely hungry too... With these two symptoms in mind, you're probably pregnant, but you weren't to sure. You pull into the headquarters of your job.

There are some things you have kept hidden from your fiancé... One of them being your true occupation: the Debt Collector and head lead for the Kuzuryu mafia. You grab the box containing your pregnancy test and put it into your purse before walking into the building.

"Good morning ma'am."

"Hey (Y/N)! How's it going?"

"H-Hello Ms. Kuzuryu... F-Fuyuhiko would like to s-see you in his office..." You grumble as the desk assistant tells you this info. The one guy you were trying to avoid needed to talk to you.

"I have a client to deal with first. Tell him it will have to wait." She squeaks as she gets up and rushes over to you.

"B-But Ms. Kuzuryu... H-He says it's urgent!" You turn to her with a cold stare in your (e/c) eyes.

"It will have to wait." You say, gritting your teeth. "And that's Ms. (L/N) to you!" You scold her and hit a button on the wall to summon the elevator as you go to the basement, where your partner is standing in front of one of your clients, who is tied up to a chair, struggling.

"Yooo! Ms. (Y/N), what's up?" Your bodyguard and best friend, Akane asks you.

"I'm... okay. What is the issue with this client?"

"This woman is 32-year-old Mina Khanji. She has made several claims in the past that she couldn't pay her bills, but later, we saw her with a wad of cash, buying a new designer purse." You smirk at her.

"Is that so?" You walk up to the girl and slap her. "Where the hell are holding the money?" You ask her as she laughs.

"Like I would tell you, bitch!" She lets out a psychotic laugh before grunting as you punch her in the stomach.

"I won't ask again."

"And what are you gonna do about it?" You let out a sigh and turn away.

"I won't do anything about it." You say. "I'll guess we'll just have to tell little Tommy that her mother is gone..."

"Huh?" Mina tilts her head.

"Oh! That's right. I forgot... Your son still thinks your on a business trip. But I just remembered... Your not on a business trip, your with your family. Who you love much more then little Tommy, right?"

"No... You wouldn't... Tommy would NEVER believe you!" You giggle at her words.

"Are you sure about that hun? 'Cause when I talked to Tommy yesterday he told me differently." You suddenly snap your fingers and Akane rolls out a tv on a cart and enters a VHS tape. On screen there is a little boy that shows great resemblance to Mina, except for the black hair and his smaller nose.

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