[Author's Note ~ Writer's Crash]

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Hello fellow readers~

Just wanted to inform everyone that I am still writing Danganronpa one-shots. However, I have so many ideas I'm kind of on a writer's crash.

Also, from here on out, stories will not be in their typical order (Kazuichi, Mondo, Gundham, and so on...). I will try to keep this format, but some characters may have more stories then others, so I apologize in advance, to those who's favorites have less stories, it just depends on the ideas I have.

I also want to address that I have received several "complaints" on the songs I chose for each 'chapter.' To be honest, the 'chapters' that do have songs... The songs I've chosen either match up with the story OR they gave me motivation to write that story.

That's the end of the Author's Note.

Love, Author Wiz~ <3

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