Gather around friends...Listen to a tale within the universe of advanced tech and corrupted companies. In a time before time, a group of cyberpunks brought an end to the reign of Arasaka Companies, Militech Companies, and so on. However...The fall of these companies would only bring the birth of a new and more powerful company. One that was ruled by a woman with a powerful iron fist.
Revocs Company was its name. After discovering cures for Cyberpyschosis, advancing the tech Arasaka had discovered, creating a new Militech military along with new cops that were androids in their own right, Revocs planted its roots deep into Night-City. And then...Throughout the world.
"Come on Miles, we're going to be late!" Alex was the oldest brother of Miles Griffin. The griffin brothers were given life through the artificial womb by the seed of their father. His name was Carter Griffin. With his first born sons now teenagers, Carter could focus on his second born sons Hogi and Oshua Griffin.
Now...What was there to say about the Griffins? The Griffins were original Sengokuans that lived in the rual lands of Africa and on several islands in the year 2075. After their discovery and after the discovery of their potential, the Sengokuans went into hiding. Some of them married androids. Which would explain the name Griffin. Carter's father was an android hybrid named Owen Griffin. He married Carter's mother, Emilia Sengoku, who took on the surname of Carter's father. After Carter was born, Carter didn't want what made his father and mother unbreakable, due to there not being women worthy of his time. On top of that, Sengokuans aged slower than the average human or Android hybrid.
"Coming!" Miles [13] Rushed down the stairs, his backpack on his back and hoverboard in his left hand. He and Alex [17] were zero-star students of Honnoji Academy, located in Honno City. This would be their first year as students at this mysterious Academy, founded by Ragyo, the founder of Revocs Headquarters.
"Morning Dad!" Alex and Miles went to the kitchen, grabbed their breakfast and lunch and raced out the door.
"See ya boys!" Carter grinned, taking care of the baby brothers of Alex and Miles. "Have fun at school!"
"We will!" They replied. Alex loved flying [Yes, Sengokuans can fly] but Miles loved to do death-altering tricks on his hoverboard. One of the few differences between the two brothers. While heading to Honnoji Academy, the brothers couldn't help but wonder what would await them at their new school.
Little did they know...
They were going to find out.
Character Profiles:
Alex Griffin:
Age: 17
Race: Sengokuan Android hybrid
Skin Color: Sun Brown
Hair color: Jet Black
Eye color: Emerald gold
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180lbs
Hobbies: Sports, Reading, Gaming, Cooking, Drummer, etc.
Abilities: Energy Manipulation
Upgrades: Super-Saiyan Chip [A Chip that basically allows you to become a Super-Saiyan. Depending on where you stand as a person or a hybrid, the Super-Saiyan Chip will amplify your power 50-fold]
Body-Type: Slim-Lean Fit
Clothing preferences: School Uniform, Baggy Cargo pants, Timberland boots, Tank-top, Wrist bands.
Dreams: To be the best version of himself
Miles Griffin:
Age: 13
Race: Same as Alex
Height: 5'4
Weight: 155lbs
Skin color: Same as Alex
Hair color: Same as Alex
Eye Color: Same as Alex
Abilities: Same as Alex
Upgrades: Super-Saiyan Chip, Sandevistan [Bascially an ability that allows you to either time-skip or freeze time enough to increase your speed, making your punches have more impact than without the installment. The first to have this potential was David Martinez. Due to him being human, he was only able to use the Sandevistan to his abilities. Because Miles is a hybrid in his own right, the effects of the Sandevistan has little-to-no effect on him.]
Hobbies: Inventing, Reading, Singing, Cooking, Sewing, Sports, etc.
Body-type: Lean
Dreams: To become stronger
Clothing preferences: School Uniform, Baggy sweatpants, sneakers, Hoodie, wristbands.
FanfictionAfter the Fall of the Corrupting Companies that created Night-City, a New Company more ruthless than Arasaka and Militech combined takes its roots in Night-City and then the world. As the world shifts into the year 2100, a new set of characters wil...