Chapter Seven: Slaughter-Fest

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"Lemme introduce you to my crew: Cybecca. Yukumi. Aero."



"Yo, what's good, my chooms?"

"Hi." Miles waved

"Sup." Alex replied

"I heard you guys are going to be helping us out." Aero told Alex and Miles: "Welcome aboard."

"Hey. I already told them that." Cybecca told Aero

"Oh. Well, welcome aboard from Aero, that would be me."

"Very fucking funny." Cybecca remarked: "So boys, do you think you got what it takes?"

"We got the chips and the moves." Miles told Cybecca: If you girls have our back, we'll have yours."

"Cute." Yukumi remarked: "Alex was it?"


"You wanna mingle since you're single?"

"I'll think about it."

"Enough." Uzumi replied: "Let's not forget why we're doing this. We're doing this to take down Ragyo. Nothing more or less. This is a suicide mission. And possibly...None of us might make it out alive. So let's go out with a bang? Are we Nova on that?"

"Hyper Nova."

"Crystal Nova."

"Omega Nova."

"Good." Uzumi looked over at Alex and Miles: "Well?"

"We're here aren't we?" Alex replied: "Let's do this. At least so my brother can have his happy ending."


Weeks before:

Ragyo explained to Satsuki about the future. The future beyond the future they had. She explained that with the alien life fibers, she could help people with the cyber-ailments that haunted people all over. Especially in New Night-City.

Satsuki pondered if what her mother was telling her was true or not, nevertheless, Satsuki agreed that if it were possible, people with cyber parts would never have to worry about the side effects ever again.

What Satsuki didn't know was that it was all a lie. Ragyo wasn't trying to find cures to help the people within this era of advance tech, she wanted to use their resources to feed the Alien Life Fiber, turn it into cybernetic clothing, and then when the time was right, activated the mechanism that would have the people who fell for her lies under her control.

If that wasn't bad enough, she experimented on people who lined up believing that Ragyo had found cures on Cyberpsychosis. What a great lie that was and what a headache it was for the Cyberpunk hunters.


Ryuko meanwhile was dealing with her own set of problems. Not only was she feeling guilty for what she said to Alex, which was the truth: She was seeing Mikisugi behind Alex's back. What was worse than that was that Ryuko was at least a month pregnant. That's right. Ryuko Matoi was pregnant with the baby of an older man, her teacher, Mister Mikisugi. That meant she had to be more careful when she got into fights with Satsuki and even Nui. Which happened multiple times since Alex and Miles "disappeared" from Honnoji Academy.

Satsuki was dealing with her problems also. Despite being perfect, she too had imperfections. Satsuki and her old flame Sangeyama got back together. They were going to get married after they finished Honnoji. What was heartbreaking was that her heart belonged to Alex. But wondering if he was either dead or alive was enough to drive Satsuki into the arms of her old flame.


All of the tension and romantic betrayal would find itself here. During the Cultural Sports Festival. It was an event planned by Ragyo organized by Satsuki and the Student Council. Team Mikisugi, after he explained that he was a part of a group called the "Nudist", explained to Ryuko and Mako that they needed to stop Ragyo before this event ended in a blood-bath. "Okay boys....This is it."

At the same time, Uzumi drove her truck through the crowd and headed straight for Ragyo! "Everyone jumped out!" Uzumi, Aero, Yukumi, Cybecca, Alex, and Miles jumped out of the car, allowing it to crash into Ragyo, creating a massive explosion!

".......Miles?" Mako saw the younger Griffin boy with his brother Alex and four women: "Miles? Is that you?"

"Alex?" Ryuko blinked when she saw Alex, no longer in his Goku Uniform. He rocked his other clothing preference when he wasn't in his school uniform.

"Augh...." Miles and Alex got up, standing alongside Uzumi and her crew: "Did we get her?" The response was Ragyo impaling Cybecca and ripping off Aero's head.

"No...." Uzumi snarled, unfazed by the death of her crew members and possible friends: "I guess we didn't."

Ragyo tossed the deceased Cybecca to the side: "Now..." She remarked: "Is that anyway to greet the one who founded the possibilities of Cyberpsychosis, making it a thing of the past?"

"That's a damn lie!" Uzumi shouted: "You experimented on people! Turning them into cyberpsychos faster than predicted! And for what!? For your little world domination project!?"

".....Well...." Ragyo replied: "The sacrifice of a few will prolong the lives of the many." Her eyes glance over to Miles and Alex: "You boys....So this is where you went....Being held hostage by a cyberpunk. No matter, once this is taken care of you boys WILL return to Honnoji Academy."

Alex and Miles looked at each other. Nodding, they transformed into Super-Saiyan Two. "I see...." Ragyo yawned at their transformations: "You boys want to do this the hard....Very well...We shall do this the hard way-" Out of nowhere, Satsuki stood infront of the boys, Uzumi, and Yukumi, her katana slicing into the flesh of Ragyo, her own mother!

"Do not dare lay a finger on Alexander!" Satsuki shouted: "So my Fears are confirmed! You never cared about the people within this world! I did not want to believe it! I wanted to believe that your actions were for a just cause! How foolish was I! And now...You will feel the wrath of Satsuki Kiryuin, defier of your twisted schemes!"

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