Chapter 7: Lord Shekalith of The Shokanith Pavilion.

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The gang didn't waste any time, they gathered their gear and left the Abyss. Hawkins carried a few bags and had Vee sitting on his shoulder, his huge armor and body were able to act as a transport. They ventured to an area of the Underground Dan had never seen, greenery was everywhere and sunlight shined through cracks in the rock, waterfalls were abundant and the air was fresh. She could even hear a few birds in trees, it was a paradise like The Oasis in the most unexpected of places. Further into the cave there was a flat area with buildings all around, one building stood tall with fortifications around it. Dan saw people walking around, few having weapons. They walked to the area, it was green and lush. They headed toward the building in the center. They were stopped however by 4 guards at its gate.

"Halt! What is your business here?"

"We seek an audience with Lord Shekalith."

"Hmpf, if you're a party this big it must be important... I'll alert him right away."

"The guard turned around, but the gates opened before he could get to them. The guards stood on the side as a man walked out, glasses that fell down his nose, a white robe that flapped behind him. He walked forward them with a smile.

"My old friends. Dan, Vee, Hawkins! And... everyone else? The Shogun?"

"Brandon! It's so great to see you again! I'm glad you didn't try and kill us! Vee!"

Vee turned away with a blush, he didn't mean to fight Dan! Right? That's one thing on his mind, whether or not he can control himself. Brandon invited them inside, so they walked in and sat down together at a big table. Hawkins could barely fit in a seat but food was served almost immediately. Dan noticed how messy Hawkins and Goro were eating, while Vee and Ki seemed elegant in a way. She chuckled before speaking.

"Brandon, what is this place?"

"I used the same spell I did in the desert all that time ago down here, this entire area was taken over kinda quickly by trees and moss. It's a sanctuary from the hell above the rock, that's why there are so many people here! But enough about what happened to me. Dan, why now do you show up to me? With The Shogun and all these people? I thought you abandoned us after your loss against William."

"Tch! I've about had it with William! I face him head on and this is what he does to me! Nobody remembers anything! I used to be a warrior! It's about time I get back my title! There is no salvation! Only Armageddon!! We cannot be saved by anyone except ourselves! So get out of your high tower and help me kill this asshole!!"

Brandon was stunned, her sudden outburst was definitely not expected but he was liking her attitude toward this whole situation.

"Then tell me Dan, how will we defeat him? He's capable of the impossible."

"We gamble, make a contract with him. His ego'll make him him think he'll win, all of us against him? We can do that, we have way more than last time plus more power."

"If I'm correct, you just want to wing it?"

"Uhm... sure."

"Ha ha! HA HAHA! Alright, I'm in."

Dan was excited, now she had..

"Goro, Vee, Ki, Hawkins, Brandon, and aren't we gonna get that Mayuki girl? She sounds powerful."

"She is, but she'll only listen to me. She hates humans, which is why she slaughters them for fun."

"Oh... how sweet."

"Well, it is late. I think you all should rest, I have rooms in the hall to our right. But Dan? Will you come to my office? We should talk."

Everyone said goodnight and everyone went to the rooms, Brandon had left so Dan followed him. The place was like a palace, high ceilings painted with white, golden chandeliers and lanterns here and there, hardwood flooring that didn't creak or crack. Dan reached his office, weapons of all different kinds on the walls above them, animal heads and plants growing on the other, candles floated mid air and a large window overlooked the pavilion below. Hawkins sat in his chair, Dan taking a seat on the couch in front of his chair.

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