Chapter 14: Lucas (TEASER)

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**Author's Note: Hi guys!  Because you all helped me reach #5 (but now it's 4 *squeee!), here's my way of saying THANK YOU!!!

A little Lucas teaser.  The rest will follow real soon.  I promise.  I'm writing it now actually and is halfway through.  Yey!

Okay, okay.  Here it is:

Chapter 14



Chloe’s tears.

 No, baby, don’t—

I watched her run back inside the house with the memory of her beautiful, sad face etched in my memory.

Don’t cry.  I was pretending it was you.  That I was kissing you, babe.  Not Blair.

I finally held a gentle but firm grip behind Blair’s head, ended what we were doing, and led her to the house.  That half-minute kiss felt like forever, and Blair arms were wrapped so tight around my neck that it hurt and made moving really difficult.  She never came close to doing something like that before.  And to be honest, I didn’t like it.

Not one bit.

Blair just seemed to pale now in comparison to Chloe.

That was the reason why I decided to open my eyes.  Closing them would feel like a complete betrayal to Chloe, and I definitely knew she would be seeing what Blair and I did so I just chose the lesser demon and opened them.

And stared straight to the woman that I loved.

In my mind my lips were touching Chloe.  I was feeling her, only her.  And I was hoping my damnedest that she saw it through my eyes.

But of course she didn’t.  Why would she, when I was kissing someone else?  What I did was sick, I know.  But I had to do it.  To show her that I wished it was her the entire time.

I ushered Blair to step inside the hall then I followed and closed the door.  Did she see how close Chloe and I were at the swing? 

Hmm.  With the way she said her “hello” earlier, I didn’t think so.

I was really surprised to see her here at this hour.  She was supposed to be sleeping right now, collecting strength for her hectic schedule tonight.  She was never awake this early.

Blair moved closer then lifted my hand and placed the back of it on her cheek.  “Happy to see me, darling?”

I looked at her and smiled.  “I thought you’re supposed to be sleeping.”

She let go of my hand and wrapped her arms around me, grocery bags and all.  “Not the answer I was expecting to hear.”

Not the visitor I was expecting to see.

“Of course I’m happy to see you, Blair.  I was just a bit… surprised.  You never go out this time of day.”

She moved back and smiled.  “I missed you, honey.  I wanted to see you before I leave tomorrow.  And… Come, let’s take out the groceries.”

She dragged me to the kitchen and I placed the bags on the table.  One by one, she took the contents out and folded the bags while I waited for her to explain her plan.

“Alright, that’s everything,” she clapped her hands once and gave out a small whoosh.

“I never thought you knew how to cook, Blair.  Another surprise,” I told her as I scanned the assortment of ingredients.

“Well, I still don’t,” she admitted.

Okay.  “Then, what’s with all this?”

Blair took a deep breath and presented me one of her megawatt smiles, which, I now recognized, really did nothing to my insides as compared to Chloe’s heart-stopping ones, even back when I still knew her as Cay.

“Well, since Lizzie’s nanny knows how to cook, I was wondering if she could make dinner.”

“Dinner for us?  Don’t you think this is a lot?”  I scrutinized two whole chickens, three packs of spaghetti noodles, tomatoes, carrots, asparagus and bits of other things.  Two families could eat from this.

“Actually, it’s dinner for my crew at the newsroom.  It’s Darla’s birthday. Remember our executive producer?  I promised her it’d be my treat this year, and I thought a home-cooked meal would be splendid than take-out food.  But of course we’ll leave some food here before I go.”

I sighed inwardly.  “Yes, I remember her.  But, Blair, this isn’t part of Cay’s work.”

She turned to me and waved a hand.  “Oh, no need to worry about that, Lucas.  I’ll just pay her extra.  She’ll have no complaints then.”

I was starting to get a little pissed with the way Blair was acting.  Was she ever this thoughtless before?

A-OKAY!  That’s it for now guys.  You better stay tuned for the whole chapter, alright?  And vote for me!!!  Thank you!!! Love you all!!!

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