Chapter 20 - Lucas

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Chapter 20


By eight-thirty in the evening Chloe and I were tucking Lizzie under the covers in one of the guest rooms on the second floor. We were on our fifth episode of Sofia the First, the three of us stretched on our stomachs after dinner when Lizzie yawned and called it a night. The night was fun with the munchkin, as usual, but now my excitement multiplied with the thought of having Chloe to myself. In my home.

I led her back to the family room, and we both sat on the huge, plush couch. Her beautiful, rosy feet dangled at the edge of the seat, and my eyes roamed from there all the way up to her smiling face.

"You have pretty feet."

"Don't make fun of them," she bit back, pursing her lips.

"I'm serious."

"Can I see yours?"

I lifted my feet and wiggled my toes for effect.

"They're huge. You know what they say..."


"Big feet, large... shoes. I got that from Julia Roberts," she giggled, placing her elbows on the arm rest.

"From which movie? I haven't watched her films in a while," I shared. Between the two of us, she had always been the movie addict, while I preferred documentaries and biographies. I was glad to find out that this part of her didn't go away.

"Notting Hill. With Hugh Grant. It was very funny and romantic. And the soundtrack was a plus," she sighed wistfully, staring ahead, suddenly seeming so far away.

For a minute there I just observed Chloe, letting her have her moment, before asking the questions that had been plaguing my mind since I found her application in Shannon's office and realized that her memories were gone.

Sliding my hand on top of hers, I queried, "Are you having a good time, Cailley?"

She finally turned her emerald orbs to me, "I'm having a wonderful time, Lucas. This doesn't feel like work at all. Lizzie's great."

"I meant... are you happy spending it with me?" I just couldn't help but ask.

Shifting closer, she grabbed my other hand and placed my palm on her cheek and felt her warmth.

"Of course. Especially now. Here, at your place. But why do you ask? Do I look sad to you?"

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, I gently rested her head on my chest. I was sure she could feel how strong my heart was beating, and after a deep breath I softly answered, "No, I can see you're happy. And I'm glad. But I—" My thumb lightly brushed her cheek, "I guess I just needed reassurance."

Chloe lifted her head and studied me quizzically, "Reassurance? What do you mean?"

My eyes held her green ones, wanting her to understand what I was about to say, "I know that this, what is happening between us, is not what I should be giving you. You don't deserve my current situation, and I am so, so sorry. I never meant to cheat on Blair with you. But this is something that I had no control over. I swear, I tried to stay away from you. But I just couldn't do it.

"I guess I'm afraid that you'll think that this is temporary for me. But what I feel for you Cailley, it will never change. I don't know how to explain everything to you right now. But I promise, I will end it with her. Please trust me."

Her soft, understanding expression gave me the answer I was hoping for. And she nodded, placing her head back on my chest. I sighed, brushing the smooth strands of her hair. We remained entwined for a while, the silence giving us the time to think of our circumstances.

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