Chapter 7: Cailley

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© rainthereader 2012 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 7


"So. You like peanut butter too, Uncle Luc?" I peered from the pantry door and asked Lucas.  "Or would you like a different spread for your sandwich?"

He settled on a high stool beside Lizzie who brought paper and crayons with her and was now busy drawing.  Bracing his arms on the white marble countertop, he pursed his lips, thinking.  "Hmm... I guess I'll go with whatever you're having."

"Okay." I smiled.

I placed the ingredients on the counter and began to work while he watched.  It was a little nerve-wracking—him staring at me while I prepared our snack.  I couldn't help but compare the difference when Marc was the one watching me.  I was comfortable around him, it wouldn't matter if I messed things up a bit.  But with Lucas it was... intimidating.  I was suddenly hyperaware of his eyes penetrating the littlest of my actions.  I was afraid to make a mistake, scared to see him catch me in a clutter.  This huge need to impress him clouded my mind.   I wanted to earn his approval.

After slicing a banana I put the bits one by one on the peanut butter spread.

"That is so Babysitters Club."

I looked up, stunned.  That was exactly the idea.

"How did you know?  You've seen the movie, too?"

Scratching his forehead, he began the tale.  "Actually, Shannon often watched it during our teens.  She was thirteen and I was twelve, and every other day for three months she would dominate the television just to see it.  Her obsession with the books and the movie made her want to put her very own club.  It was so funny, demanding our dad to transform the garage into a club office.   I just remembered this one scene where a particular babysitter ate peanut butter sandwich and bananas with her dad."

I gave Lizzie her sandwich then handed the one with the sliced banana to Lucas.  With a smile I watched them as they each took their bites.

"Hm," he chewed, "it's not so bad. Quite tasty once you get used to it."

Taking a bite from my own, I nodded and made an "uh-huh" sound with my mouth closed, then strode to the fridge and grabbed the cold lemonade I made earlier.  After pouring each of us a drink, I placed the pitcher on the marble and propped my arms on it.  Lizzie was still busy with her artwork, taking occasional bites, so technically it was just me, Lucas and the awkward silence.

My thoughts wandered to our stare-down this afternoon, and my stupid number with the glasses.  It was embarrassing, and downright humiliating.  But it was hard to concentrate when a man like him loomed over you like that.

I drifted to when he placed the glasses on my face, and remembered strong, but gentle fingers tucking a few strands of hair behind my ear.  Tingles traveled up my spine just thinking about it, and I had to warn myself to get a grip.

"How long have you been a nanny?"  Lucas lightly inquired, breaking the silence.  He took a gulp of lemonade as he waited for my answer.

"Oh, about a year. On the other side of town.  But I stopped when the family moved to a different state."

He seemed to accept that.  "I see.  Was it a girl? Or a boy?"

"Girl. Ten years old.  Good kid."  I quickly blurted, putting an end to the topic.  A small portion of the creamy spread dripped on my thumb and index finger and I immediately sucked at the ends before it completely fell on the counter.

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