Chapter 1: Cailley

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Hi guys! I'm in the process of revising the chapters to add a little more mystery and depth to the characters. Please bear with me and read at your own risk. Please pardon if ever you saw some sudden tense changes, it just means that the chapter you're reading hasn't been edited yet. Again, as I mentioned in my prologue, this is just a draft. And I'm not perfect. Thanks and love you!

© rainthereader 2012 All Rights Reserved

Chapter 1


Beep-beep. Beep-Beep. Beep-beep.

I half-opened my eyes, groggily reaching the bedside table to stop the alarm clock. It was set to ring at six-thirty in the morning. Closing my lids, I hugged my pillow to sleep some more, but then I realized that today was a big day.

Because today was my job interview.

At last. Marc allowed me to apply for a job. He insisted on not letting me work before, saying that I didn't need to. That it was perfectly fine to stay right at home and do... nothing.

Home. Could anyone ever call a three-storey building with twenty-eight rooms all donned with classic interiors and expensive Italian furnishings home? It was more like a luxurious hotel to me.

Yawning, I eventually decided to get out of bed. I stretched, then walked to the huge, white window to my left and parted the heavy, cream curtains to let the natural light in. It was my daily routine. To appreciate the new day no matter what the weather was.  And today was beautiful--with the early-morning sun greeting the newly-sprinkled grass on the lawn, yellow butterflies flitting around blue hydrangeas and pink gerberas planted along the huge expanse of garden. I was lucky I had this room.

But looking at the view was not good enough for me. Unlatching the windows, I carefully pushed them open to welcome the crisp, fresh air. I knew exactly how it would smell like and embraced the clean scent of pine and inhaled deeply, letting it fill my nostrils. Closing my eyes for a moment to savor the gift of nature, I then contemplated on what I would say to my employer during the interview... hopefully, my soon-to-be employer.

I sent an application online a week ago for a nanny-slash-tutor position that I found in an ad. Five days later an e-mail arrived informing me that I was scheduled for an interview at ten am today. The thought of it made me nervous, but excited me at the same time.

It took a lot of convincing for Marc to agree to the idea. And I only obtained him to say yes with the condition that I wouldn't be living in the employer's house. That I had to return after work every day. He even suggested that I take one of his chauffeurs to drive and wait for me while I worked.

Really. Nannies could afford chauffeurs now.  And who says that word nowadays?

"It's the most sensible thing to do," Marc said matter-of-factly.

I rolled my eyes. "That's crazy, Marc, and you know it."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't let Claude drive and wait for you."

"Because," I sighed, "I'm applying as a nanny. Not as CEO in a multi-billion dollar company. And two, I have feet. I can walk, and... I can take care of myself." I stated, hands on my hips for emphasis. I wouldn't let him win this time.

"Not long ago, you couldn't," he pointed out quietly, looking straight at me.

Please, not again.

Glancing back into that conversation made me forget what I was supposed to be worrying about. Of course I could take care of myself. Any healthy, capable woman could. And it was not as if work would be so far away. I checked it on the internet and found that the place was only a good, twenty-minute commute from here.

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