ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕋𝕙𝕣𝕖𝕖

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock going off to tell me that it was time to get up, today was the day that we were going to Europe, and I was so excited. Our flight wasn't until 12pm and it was now only 7am, Mr. Harrington said that we had to be at the airport a couple of hours early in case something happened. I quickly jumped into the shower and cleaned up, as I got out my phone goes off and I see that it's the group chat.



MJ > It's haft seven why are you shouting

Betty > Sorry, didn't know my caps was on

MJ > Also Y/N, what time do you want us to collect us

You < about that... I'm getting a lift off Ned's mother with him and Peter

MJ > Yes, Team (Your Name/Peter Name together) for the win!!!

Betty > Don't rule Brad out yet, TEAM (Your Name/Brad Name together) for the win

You > it's too early for this

I put my phone down and walk to get my clothes trying to find the perfect outfit to wear, I needed something that would look good but also needed to be comfortable because the flight was long. I decided to go with a tracksuit with a flannel over it with a nice cap. I then hear a knock on the door, then the door opens and a bright flash.

"Not again" I sigh turning to my father who was holding the same camera from my homecoming, "I told him not to, but he wouldn't listen" Eleanor tells me as she enters the room shortly after him. "I can't miss taking pictures on his first trip" and then he takes another picture and nearly blinds me again with the flash. "Please, stop with the flash" I cover my eyes because now when I blink, I see little spots.

"Sorry" he put the camera down, but his smile quickly came back. "Me and Eleanor got you a present" he says running out of the room and quickly returning with a box, "But it isn't my birthday" I looked at them confused on why I was getting a present. "Well, it was Eleanor idea to get you this for the trip" my father saying with excitement, he was like a child.

I slowly open the box to reveal that inside of it was my own camera, "it's so you can take pictures on the trip" Eleanor tells me as I look at the camera. "I love it" I walk over pulling them into a hug, I thank them again and they tell me that breakfast is waiting for me downstairs. My father wanted us to have a family breakfast before I went away, well it was mostly my father reminding me of all the dangers and that I needed to call him with Eleanor telling him that he needed to chill.

Just then my phone got a notification, and I looked down to see that it was a 2 messages from Peter and one of them was a photo of him in the car.

Just then my phone got a notification, and I looked down to see that it was a 2 messages from Peter and one of them was a photo of him in the car

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Peter > We're on the way

> just finished breakfast, so I'm ready

I couldn't help but smile at the picture that he sent me, he just looked so cute but then I remembered what he said. That I should take my chance with Brad, maybe he was just saying that because MJ and Betty were there or maybe he meant it. "What has you smiling" my father asked, and I quickly locked my phone, "Oh just MJ sending me a meme" I lied, I didn't know why but I just didn't need my father butting into it.

𝒂𝒇𝒕𝒆𝒓𝒈𝒍𝒐𝒘 (Peter Parker x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now