13. Bree

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I was happily learning spells when a boulder crashed through the window.

Actually, James just threw a rock at it.

I stuck my head out of the window frame, "WHAT DO YOU WANT?"

He was getting an extra flying lesson because his parents sent the headmaster an owl. He flew closer to the window, probably because he realized that I couldn't do anything to him from the window.

"I was wondering..." He trailed off at the end of his sentance.

"Yes? Spit it out already!" I threw my hands over my head and accidentally hit the broken window.

"Well, Ash undid your prank on Sirius and is now going to help him prank you. I only know this because he tried to recruit me."

"That conniving Witch! I'm going to kill her." I was practically growling now.

"Well, that's why I came. I want to offer you a truce so that we can prank them first." We suddenly wore matching grins on our faces.

"This'll be fun, but what are you getting out of this?" I inquire.

"I get the glory of seeing Sirius pranked. No one messes with the sister of the girl I like!" My eyes widened in shock.


"No the other one."

"You like Lily!?" God. My voice is so high pitched.

"I thought it was obvious?" His eyebrows scrunched together as he said that. Am I really that blind.

"I'll try to put in a good word about you to Lily, but it probably won't mean much to her when it's coming from me." I shrugged.

We finished our conversation and agreed to meet out by the quidditch field in 30 minutes. I grabbed a leather jacket that I'd had for years and went outside to find said Quidditch pitch.


It took 25 minutes but I managed to find the quidditch pitch with only mild difficulty. The main problem was that I felt the need to roll down every hill I passed. There were a surprisingly large amount of hills.

The area was completely empty, so after 10 seconds of impatient waiting, I decided to try climbing one of the poles. I was about 2 meters off the ground when somebody yelled, "What the? BREE!"

I jumped a bit and fell down. Rubbing my head I glared up at James, "What?"

"What were you doing" Sometimes he can be really stupid.

"I was climbing up the pole." I said, like I was explaining it to a 2 year old.

"Well I know that, but why were you climbing it?" This boy really can be stupid sometimes.

"I was climbing it because I got bored. Why else do I do stuff?" I brushed some of the dirt off of my white shirt. I'm never wearing white again. "So do you have something in mind for the prank?"

A grin slowly spread across his face, "Do you even know me?" He put his hand on his chest but couldn't stop smiling.

I rolled my eyes, "Unfortunately, yes." I sat down on the grass and motioned for him to sit down next to me. "So what's your plan?"

"Well, I've been reading some books," James suddenly gasped. "Yes I read. The books were more advanced and had some good spells in there. I think we can use that!"

James nodded and smiled at me, "We should start off small though. We don't want people suspecting anything."

With that, we started planning the pranks out.


I sat under my bed hiding from Ashlyn. I don't trust her and Sirius to not prank me first, but they don't know that James and I are waiting for them to start the prank war.

"EW!" I look at the feet of Lily who just screamed. "THERE IS A RAT EATING MY FAVOURITE SHIRT!"

I ninja rolled out from under my bed and silently jumped up behind Lily. "What's wrong?"

"AHHHHHH!" Lily screamed and turned around. Apparently she also had a rat in her hand so, that ended up flying out of her grasp.

Oh well too late now. I took a rat to the face and I have no idea what is going on.

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